Chandrashoor Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Aliv Seeds

Chandrashoor Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Aliv Seeds

Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants>> Chandrashoor

Health Benefits of Chandrashoor (Garden Cress)

  • Ayurveda makes frequent reference to Chandrashoor; it is well-known and frequently used in the chaturbeej compound, which relieves back pain, arthritic, and other pains. Additionally, chandrashoor is being used to treat spleen, liver, skin, and eye disorders as well as aphrodisiacs, rejuvenating agents, and stamina boosters.

  • Chandrashoor plant has cardiac glycoside, alkaloids, phenolic, flavonoids, cardiotonic glycosides, coumarins, glucosinolates, carbohydrates, sterols, tannins, volatile oils, triterpene, sinapic acid, uric acid, proteins and amino-acids, mucilage, resins, saponins, and many more compounds.

  • It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, fracture healing, analgesic, antipyretic, anticancer, reproductive, gastrointestinal, respiratory, diuretic, central nervous, cardiovascular, hypolipidemic, and antidiabetic properties, among others.

  • As a height and growth stimulator: Chandrashoora promotes the growth and development of the overall height, especially in children.

  • Diuretic and hypertension: The diuretic properties of Garden Cress seeds help to reduce blood pressure.

  • Postpartum revitalization: It reduces pain after delivery and improves the health of the new mother, as well as improving breastfeeding.

  • Back pain: The use of soaked Aliv seeds relieves back pain and improves spine function.

  • Fracture and injury: Traditional uses of the plant include the treatment of fractures and many other internal injuries.

  • Chandrashoora Medicinal Plants Details and their Uses

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