In Ayurvedic texts, dincharya i.e. Dialy regimen is described in detail. The Ayurvedic daily regimen maintains the health of an individual and prevents the occurrence of diseases. One should follow dincharya as :
Dincharya or Daily Regimen According to Ayurveda :
One should wake up in Brahma Muhurt i.e. 48 minutes before sunrise.
After waking up one should look at the mirror or own's palm and fingers.
Then one should drink cold water kept overnight in an earthen pot or copper pot. It increases lifespan, delays aging, and prevents all diseases, especially constipation.
Then one should go for defecation or urination. It should be remembered that one should neither postpone the natural urges nor forcibly generate them.
Cleaning of teeth should be done with tender twigs of Neem or Arjuna or Kher tree.
After brushing teeth, scrapping of the tongue should be done with a tongue cleaner.
Then one should gargle with cold water or oil or some decoction.
Then one should install 2 drops of medicated oil into the nostrils. Anu Taila is recommended by the Acharyas Of Ayurveda. It prevents the diseases of ENT and Head.
Then herbal Collyrium (Kajal) should be applied to the eyes.
Massage should be done.
Then one should exercise as per one's capacity.
After some time one should take a bath with cold or normal water.
Then one should apply cosmetics prepared of sandalwood, camphor, etc.
One should wear a clean dress as per season.
One should take food two times a day. The food should be warm, have all tastes, and should be taken in a calm ambiance.
Chewing Betel nut with areca nut and slacked lime is advocated after having meals.
After that one should attend one's lawful profession.
When one comes from outside to home, one must wash face, hands and, feet. Then relax and after that one should perform prayer in the evening.
One should eat light food at night, sleep in a comfortable bed, remain mentally calm, and be silent. The head should be neither depressed nor elevated; it should be at the level of shoulders facing towards east or south. One should pray at the time of sleeping.
Thus Ayurveda Charts out a complete daily regimen right from waking to sleeping. If followed in routine it will render a happy and healthy life.