Ajamoda medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms, Health benefits of Ajamoda (celery fruits)

Ajamoda medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms, Health benefits of Ajamoda (celery fruits)


Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants>> Ajamoda

Health Benefits of Ajamoda (celery fruits)

  • Ajmoda is described in many formulations of Ayurveda for digestive tract problems like spasmodic pain, indigestion, dyspepsia, menstrual pain, constipation, belching, and gas trouble.

  • It has antioxidants, α-Pinene, limonene, α-phellandrene, and β-pinene.

  • It has anti-biotic, anti-spasmodic, diuretic, anthelmintic, stimulant, digestive and carminative, and many other properties.

  • Flatulence: Ajmoda irritates the mucosa of the stomach and intestine, thus helping to burp and evacuate the gas through the external openings.

  • Menstrual pain: It has many components that are useful in spasmodic pain during the menstruation period.

  • Dyspepsia: It helps to decrease indigestion thus resulting in hyperacid secretion and dyspepsia.

  • Diuresis and colic pain: It helps to increase urine formation and relieves the colic pain to the renal calculi.

  • Stress and anxiety: the relieving of the gas rouble and alleviating the vata, helps to relieve the stress and induce calm and sound sleep.

  • Appetizer: Ajmoda helps to increase digestion, which helps to increase the appetite as well.

  • Constipation and digestion: It helps to evacuate the gas and faces outside the body by irritating the mucosa of the intestinal flora.

  • Worm infestation: It also prevents and treats worm infestation, especially in children.

  • Children's colic pain and vomiting: It helps to reduce the colic pain and improves the digestion of children of feeding age in the measured dosage form.

  • Ajamoda Medicinal Plants details and their uses

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