Danti medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms

Danti medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms


Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Danti

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Aerandaphala, shambari, vishalya, shighra, shyenghanta, ghunapriya, varahangi, nikumbh, mukulak

Regional Name

Bengali : danti, hakun
Gujarati : danti
Hindi : danti, chhoti danti
Tamil : nagdanti
Telugu : kondaamadam

Botanical Name

Baliospermum montanum



Classification (Gana)

Charak Samhita : bhedaniya mahakashaya, and mulini dravya

Sushruta Samhita : shyamadi gana, adhobhagahara gana

Acharya vagbhatta : shyamadi gana

External Morphology

1-2 meter high shrub

Useful Parts

Root, fruit

Important Phytoconstituent

Starch, beliospermin, montanin, axillarenic acid

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : katu
Guna : guru, tikshna
Virya : ushna
Vipaka : Katu



Therapeutic Indication

Virechak (drastic purgative), deepen (appetizer), kandughna (useful in pruritus), sothhara (anti-inflammatory)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Twakvikar - in skin disease, powder with normal water is useful as purgative.
2. Swasa - leaves decoction is useful in asthma.
3. Jwara - root powder with buttermilk is useful in fever.
4. Kamla - root is useful in jaundice for purgation.


Root powder - 1 to 3 gm, seed powder - 50 to 125 mg


Bahushala guda, punarnavadi guggulu, shiva gutika, dantyarista

Adverse Effect

External application of root/seed for long period is may cause irritation, redness, and pain.

Internally high dose causes stomach disturbance, dizziness, and nausea.

Remedial Measure

Sweet, and oily food, cow milk


Purification method: danti root is wrapped with pippali (piper longum) powder and Madhu (honey), after that this mass is covered with grass, and mud. Keep dry in the sunlight.


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