Health Benefits of Bhanga (Cannabis Sativa)
Bhanga is mentioned in many diseases like pain, inflammation, diarrhea, dysentery, insomnia, ulcers, and digestion-related problems.
Together with eugenol, guaiacol, amino acids, c-glycosyl-javamaids, and other phenolic compounds, it contains cannabinoids, resinous exudates, cannabidiol, cannabinol, Cannabispiran, iso cannabrispiran, dehydro-cannabispiran, cannatrichamere, cannabicitran, cannabicyclol, and other phenolic compounds.
It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuralgic, antirheumatic, digestive, appetizer, and many other properties.
Dysentery and diarrhea: In cases of excessive diarrhea and dysentery, banga is beneficial.
Insomnia and stress: It promotes mental health and restful, stress-free sleep.
Pain killer: Any kind of pain or inflammation can be effectively relieved with Bhanga.
Joint pain and inflammation: Furthermore, it helps to reduce the inflammation of the joints as well.
Ulcers and dyspepsia: The healing properties in the medicianal plant help to treat stomach ulcers.
Digestive: As well as improving appetite and digestion, it also increases metabolism.
Neurological and migraine pain: It is also useful for musculoskeletal and neurological pain.
Cut and wounds: Bhanga leaves are the best healer for emergency wounds and cuts.
Dandruff and skin allergy: The use of Indian hemp helps to reduce dandruff, skin scaling, and itching.