Health Benefits of Bhallataka (Marking Nut)
Bhallataka, a highly potent and hot potency drug, must be used very precisely, as it has adverse side effects if not used properly. It is used in respiratory, rejuvenating therapy, pain, neuralgia pain, inflammation, and rheumatism, among others.
It contains cardol, semecarpus, anacardic acid, Bhilawanol, oil, catechol, alkaloids and fixed oil.
Its qualities include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-cancer, and antimicrobial effects, among many others.
Fever: It relieves high temperatures and acts as a diaphoretic.
Skin diseases: Precise and purified bhallataka is useful for skin diseases.
Rheumatism: One of its benefits includes relief from pain and inflammation caused by rheumatism, as well as reducing its complications.
Infection and putrefaction: The medicinal herb helps with putrefaction and infections caused by bacteria and fungi.
Cardiac disorders: Marking Nut is a cardiotonic and prevents heart diseases.
Cancer: Its ability to scavenge free radicals makes it useful in the treatment of cancer cell lines.
Rejuvenation: Its rejuvenating composition helps prevent a variety of skin, hair, and eye conditions.
Arthritic pain: Bhhallataka reduces arthritis pain and inflammation as well.