Bhallataka medicinal plant, bhallataka regional names, bhallataka family, bhallataka synonyms

Bhallataka medicinal plant, bhallataka regional names, bhallataka family, bhallataka synonyms

Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Bhallataka

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Arushkara, agnimukhi, viravruksha, sophakrita, agnika

Regional Name

Bengali : bhela
Gujarati : bhilamo
Hindi : bhilava
Tamil : shenakotthe
Telugu : jidichettu, jidivittalu
English : marking nut tree

Botanical Name

Semicarpus anacardium Linn. f.



Classification (Gana)

Acharya charaka mentioned bhallataka in dipaniya, bhedaniya, kushthaghna, mutrasamgrahaniya mahakashaya.

Acharya shusruta and vagbhatta mentioned in nyagrodhadi and mustadi gana.

External Morphology

Deciduous moderate-sized tree

Useful Parts

Nut, kernel oil, fruit

Important Phytoconstituent

Biflavanoids, nallaflavone, bhilawanols, anacardic acid

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : katu, tikta, kashaya
Guna : Laghu, tikshna, snigdha
Virya : ushna
Vipaka : madhura



Therapeutic Indication

Deepen(increase appetite), bhedana(purgative), vrushya(aphrodisiac) krumighna (antihelmintic), medhya (good cognitive power)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Romashatana - bhallataka taila, and snuhi kshira applied to the skin as a hair-remover.
1. Urustambha - bhallataka, pippali, and pippalimoola paste with honey are beneficial in urustambha.
1. Arsha - bhallataka with oil is beneficial for piles
2. Vrushya - bhallataka seed pulp is beneficial as an aphrodisiac.


Oil - 1-2 drops, avaleha - 2-5 gm, kshiapaka - 10-20 ml


Amrutabhallataka avaleha, bhallataka vati, sanjivani vati, bhallataka taila

Adverse Effect

Skin exposure may lead to blisters, and skin rashes

Remedial Measure

Externally, coconut oil, rala malhar, coriander leaves paste is applied on blisters.

Internally, coconut water and grated coconut are beneficial.


Seeds are put into water, which seeds are sinks that are used for purification.

Seeds are cut into half and put on the brick powder for the removal of strong pungent oil for a while.


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