Aaragvadha medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms, Health benefits of Aaragvadha (Amaltas/ Purging Cassia)

Aaragvadha medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms, Health benefits of Aaragvadha (Amaltas/ Purging Cassia)


Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants>> Aaragvadha (Amaltas/ Purging Cassia)

Health benefits of Aaragvadha (Amaltas/ Purging Cassia)

  • Aaragvadha is mentioned in all Ayurvedic texts as many useful remedies, especially for constipation, fever, itching, and skin diseases.

  • It has Sugar, mucilage, pectin, anthraquinone, glycosides, Sennosides, Fistuacacidin, Lupeol, and Sterols like Beta-Sitosterol, glucosides, barbaloin, Rhein Glucoside, Emodin, Chrysophanic Acid, Phlobaphenes, and Hexacosanol.

  • It has anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antipyretic, anti-rheumatic, anti-oxidant, and many other properties.

  • Fever: Amaltas root and leaves are useful to treat high-grade and chronic fever.

  • Itching and skin diseases: It is beneficial for many skin diseases and pruritus in two ways: 1. Oil and paste externally, and 2. Laxative and bio-purification by the pulp of the fruit.

  • Constipation: Children's pulp of the aragvadha is beneficial for constipation in children, as it is a mild laxative and carminative.

  • Stomachache: It is very much useful for stomach-related problems like flatulence, belching, and heaviness.

  • Burning sensations: It also brings relief from all body-burning sensations.

  • Joint stiffness and pain: It helps to reduce inflammation and relieves pain and stiffness by lowering excessive extracellular fluid.

  • Various infections: Many bacterial and fungal infections of the skin are treated by the amaltas.

  • Worms: It eradicates the worm's infestation and helps to high absorption in the intestine.

  • Aaragvadha Medicinal Plants details and their uses

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