Aloe Vera - Health benefits of aloe vera,benefits of aloe vera for skin and benefits of aloe vera for hair,aloe vera gel

Health benefits of aloe vera,benefits of aloe vera for skin and benefits of aloe vera for hair,aloe vera gel

Ayurvedic Tips>> Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Health Benefits of Herbs and Spices>> Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Types of Aloe Vera

  • Aloe barbadensis – the most popular and widely used.

  • Aloe indica.

  • Aloe spicata.

  • Useful chemical constituents of Aloe Vera

  • It contains more than 100 potentially active constituents like minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins and amino acids, and vitamin-A, C, and E.

  • Aloe Vera contains aloin which is responsible for the laxative effect of aloe vera.

  • Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

  • Aloe Vera provides the best relief for constipation.

  • The antipathetic quality of Aloe Vera helps to reduce or prevent fever.

  • Aloe Vera improves digestion, which in turn reduces body weight and also provides energy to the body.

  • Aloe vera boosts up immune function and even destroys cancer tumors.

  • Drinking Aloe vera regularly for two weeks helps to fight against inflammation.

  • Consuming Aloe vera for at least 3 months helps to stabilize blood sugar in diabetics.

  • To get rid of joint and muscle pains, Aloe vera is very beneficial.

  • To speed up hair growth, take Aloe vera gel and massage it into the scalp. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse off.

  • To alleviate asthma, boil Aloe vera leaves in a pan of water and breathe the vapor.

  • Application of Aloe vera gel over the skin helps improve the skin's natural firmness and also keeps it hydrated.

  • To have clear skin, boil Aloe vera leaf in water and grind it into a paste. Now add a few drops of honey (shahad) to this paste and apply it to your face. Rinse it off with cold water after 15 minutes.

  • Aloe Vera is aperient, carminative, stomachic, ophthalmic, and emmenagogue.

  • Useful as antidotal especially in food poisoning.

  • Aloe vera juice can be used as restorative in generalized weakness. It acts as a tonic and juice is anabolic and increases strength.

  • Also used in colic pain, burn, skin diseases, and dyspepsia.

  • Uses of Aloe Vera in other Ailment

  • Cardiovascular system: Useful in the purification of blood and rectification of the liver.

  • Digestive system:
    1.Aloe Vera increases the secretion of the small intestine and promotes the peristalsis of the large intestine thus it acts as a laxative.

    2.Useful for loss of appetite, anti-flatulent, anthelmintic.

    3.Treatment for liver and spleen enlargement.

    4.In splenomegaly with turmeric, it is beneficial.

  • Urogenital system:
    1.Aloe Vera is a known diuretic and by being sticky and unctuous, it promotes the secretion of semen and acts as an aphrodisiac.

    2.Also, affect hormones thus it is used in irregular period, cramps, and amenorrhea.

  • Organic Aloe Vera and its Products

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