Tagara medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms

Tagara medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms


Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Tagara

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Nata, nahusha, kalanusarya, pindatagara, kutila, dandahasti, barhina

Regional Name

Gujarati : tagar ganthoda
Hindi : tagar, sugandhvala, mushchbala
Kannada : mushkabala
Marathi : tagar ganthala
Farsi : asarun
English : indian valerian rhizome

Botanical Name

Valariana wallichi DC



Classification (Gana)

Aacharya Charaka : sheetaprashamana mahakashaya.

Aacharya sushruta and Aacharya vagbhatta : eladi gana.

External Morphology

A perennial herb

Useful Parts


Important Phytoconstituent

Didrovaltratum, acctoxyvalenone, isovalerate, acevaltrate, linarin isovalerate

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : Tikta, katu, kashaya
Guna : laghu, snigdha
Virya : ushna
Vipaka : katu



Therapeutic Indication

Apasmarahara (anti-epileptic), Kandughna (treat pruritus), deepen (appetizer), medohara (reduces fat accumulation), vrushya (aphrodisiac), swasahara (anti-asthmatic), vishagna (anti-poisonous)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Sandhishoola - root paste is applied with buttermilk at the pain area of joints.
2. Jwara - tagar root powder with yashad bhasma is beneficial in fever headaches.
3. Tamak swas - root powder as hot infusion is given in asthma.


Powder - 1-3 gm


Himasagara taila, nalikerasava, pippalyasava, devedarvyarista

Adverse Effect

In higher dosage, it may induces vertigo, cardiac problems, and sometimes deafness. Also in hypotensive person may not take tagara without advice, as it causes low blood pressure

Remedial Measure

Not required


Not required


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