Nimba medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms

Nimba medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms

Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Nimba

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Arishta, pichumarda, sarvatobhadra, hinguniryasa, sukapriya, Subhadra, prabhadra, sutika, tiktaka, pichumanda

Regional Name

Bengali : nim, nimgach
Gujarati : limado
Hindi : neem
Punjabi : nimba
Tamil : veppu
Telugu : vepa
English : margosa, Indian lilac, neem tree

Botanical Name

Melia azadirachta Linn



Classification (Gana)

Aacharya Charaka : katu skandha, kandughna mahakashaya.

Aacharya Sushruta and vagbhatta : aargvadhadi, lakshadi, guduchyadi varga.

External Morphology

15-20 meter high tree

Useful Parts

Root bark, stem bark, leaves, seed, twig, seed oil, gum, flower

Important Phytoconstituent

Azadirachtin, tocopherol, linoleic acid, arachidic acid, azadirachtol, melionone

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : tikta, kashaya
Guna : laghu, ruksha
Virya : shita
Vipaka : katu



Therapeutic Indication

Grahi (reduce excessive discharge), sothahra (anti-inflammatory), arshoghna (useful in piles), krimighna (anti-helminthic), kusthaghna (useful in skin disorders)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Jwara - stem bark and leaves decoction is useful to treat fever.
2. Twaka roga - water boiled with neem leaves is useful as the bath in skin disorders.
3. Krimi - root powder with honey is useful to treat worms.


Bark powder - 1-3 gm, leaves juice - 20-40 ml, oil - 5-10 drops


Neembadi taila, panchtikta ghrita guggulu, arogyavardhini rasa, nimbaharidrakhanda, nimbaristam, panchnimba churna

Adverse Effect

Not Known

Remedial Measure

Not required


Not required


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