Gunja medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms

Gunja medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms

Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Gunja

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Kakanatika, raktika, uchhata, sweta, kakchinchi, raktika, kakadani, kakapilu, kakvallari

Regional Name

Gujarati : chanothi
Hindi : gamanchi
Tamil : gudumani
Telugu : guruvinda
English : abrus, indian licorice root, rosary pea
Malayalam : kunni

Botanical Name

Abrus precatorius



Classification (Gana)

Aacharya Sushruta : moola visha

Bhavprakash nighantu : guduchyadi varga

External Morphology

Perennial climber

Useful Parts

Root, leaf, seeds

Important Phytoconstituent

Precool, abrol, precasine, abrasine, trigonelline, abridine

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : Kashaya, tikta
Guna : laghu, ruksha
Virya : ushna
Vipaka : katu



Therapeutic Indication

Krimihara (anti-helmintic), kanduhara(useful in itching), keshya (good for hairs), kusthaghna(useful in skin disorders)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Visarpa - leaf paste is useful to treat external inflammations and cellulitis in systemic lupus erythematous.
2. mukhpaka - leaves paste is applied in mouth ulcers, it heals quickly.
3. Darunaka - oil of gunja seeds and bhringaraja is beneficial in dandruff.


Seed powder - 60-150mg, root and leaf powder - 1-3 gm


Gunjadhya tailam, gunjabhadra rasa

Adverse Effect

High internal intake of seeds is causes stomach disturbance, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and convulsions.

Remedial Measure

Gastric lavage, and symptomatic treatment


Seeds are boiled in kanjika or milk for 3 hours


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