Poppy seeds: Health benefits of poppy seeds, benefits of khus khus, poppy seeds good for diabetes, poppy seeds for weight loss

Poppy seeds: Health benefits of poppy seeds,benefits of khus khus,poppy seeds good for diabetes,poppy seeds for weight loss


Health Benefits of Herbs and Spices>> Health Benefits of Poppy Seeds (Khus Khus)

Health Benefits of Poppy Seeds (Khus Khus)

  • Poppy seeds are effective in inducing sleep and also reduces stress levels.

  • Poppy seeds help in improving bone health, as they are rich in copper and calcium.

  • The insoluble fiber in Poppy strengthens the digestive system and treats constipation.

  • Poppy (Khus Khus) is a great home treatment for mouth ulcers.

  • Poppy is best known to control high blood pressure levels.

  • Poppy seeds help in treating kidney stones and also prevents their recurrence.

  • Poppy seeds play a key role in proper thyroid functioning.

  • Manganese present in Poppy helps to control diabetes.

  • Poppy seeds are also beneficial for the appetite, it is useful with the sweet preparation, to easy digestion.

  • Poppyseed oil intake once a day is beneficial for sleeplessness, also calms the body muscles.

  • It has many minerals too, like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc.

  • It also lowers blood sugar levels in the body, also has more fiber contains so useful in heavy cravings in diabetes.

  • Nutritive values per 100gm of Poppy Seeds (Khus Khus)


    520 Kcal


    27-28 gms


    40-42 gms


    17-18 gms




    19.54 gms

    Omega-3 and omega -6

    0.22 gms and 22-24gms

    Consideration of use for Poppy Seeds (Khus Khus)

  • Sometimes poppy seeds have a large amount of codeine, an opiate that leads to breathlessness in pregnant ladies.

  • In children also whoever has an allergy to codeine, has adverse effects of poppy seeds.

  • Poppy Seeds(Khus Khus)

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