Health benefits of betel nut,advantages of betel nut chewing,Betel Nut Uses, Benefits, Arec, areca nut

Health benefits of betel nut,advantages of betel nut chewing,Betel Nut Uses, Benefits, areca nut

Ayurvedic Tips>> Health Benefits of Betel Nut

Health Benefits of Herbs and Spices>> Health Benefits of Betel Nut

Health Benefits of Betel Nut

  • Taking a solution containing betel nut extract might improve speech, strength, and bladder function in people who have had a stroke.

  • Betel nut kills worms, removes phlegm, overcomes bad mouth odor, and acts as a mouth refresher and cleanser. It also helps in stomatitis and mouth ulcers

  • Betel nut is also very useful after the baby-birth in lady, it helps in infections during that period.

  • Betel nut improves muscle strength in patients.

  • If betel nut can be taken occasionally, it is helpful in cavity prevention.

  • Dry mouth caused by health conditions such as diabetes and Sjogren's syndrome can be cured with Betel Nut.

  • Betel nut produces stimulation and mental clarity due to high levels of psychoactive alkaloids.

  • Betel nut betters digestion. Chewing the nut stimulates the flow of saliva to aid digestion. Betel nut also has been used to increase the appetite((dry coarse powder)).

  • Extractions of betel nut are useful in curing cancerous growths.

  • Ash of betelnut is useful in anorexia and vomiting.

  • Betel nut aids in preventing the peeling of lip skin.

  • Betel nut is also useful in internal ulcers like peptic ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

  • It is also a detoxifying body, as it has anti-oxidants.

  • Betel nut leaves are useful in stye(an inflamed swelling on the edge of an eyelid, caused by bacterial infection of the gland at the base of an eyelash), its decoction is beneficial for eyewash.

  • It also has antihelminthic and antiparasitic activity, decoction of leaves and unripened fruit is useful for it.

  • Betel nut powder and leaves powder is useful in the healing wound.

  • In severe diarrhea powder of betel nut and nutmeg powder is beneficial.

  • Betel Nut

    Consideration of Use

  • It is recommended to use powder and nut is as per prescription or as per diseases.

  • Very much of use is causing constipation and stomach disturbance.

  • Long time chewing or keep in the mouth causing mucosal irritation.

  • Betel Nut,Supari,Puja Supari,Areca Nut

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