Health benefits of amla,benefits of amla for acidity,benefits of amla for eyes,benefits of amla for diabetes info

Health benefits of amla,benefits of amla for acidity,benefits of amla for eyes,benefits of amla for diabetes info

Ayurvedic Tips>> Health Benefits of Amla

Health Benefits of Herbs and Spices>> Health Benefits of Amla

Health Benefits of Amla

  • Amla works as a blood purifier and also increases hemoglobin.

  • Adding Amla to a regular diet helps to improve eyesight.

  • To cure sore throat, mix Amla juice with a few chopped ginger and a tablespoon of honey and consume it.

  • Amla promotes Digestion. It helps in healthy bowel movement and makes gastrointestinal tracts clean.

  • Consumption of Amla helps to maintain blood sugar levels.

  • Amla(Indian Gooseberry) prevents damage to the skin and reduces aging and wrinkles.

  • Amla helps to increase cholesterol which is beneficial to the body and also reduces unwanted cholesterol, which keeps the heart healthy.

  • Stomach, skin, and liver cancers can be successfully prevented by intake of Amla.

  • Consumption of Amla early in the morning on an empty stomach is most effective to reduce weight.

  • Amla can help to prevent mouth ulcers.

  • To relieve stress and have a sound sleep Amla(Indian Gooseberry) is very beneficial.

  • Amla aids in improving the central nervous system of the body.

  • Amla helps to fight against liver diseases and protects them.

  • Integumentary system – amla has anti-oxidants and ultra violates protective nutrient and vitamin C, which is increases the skin tone and luster.

  • Eyes – amla has also a rich source of vitamin A, which improves eyesight.

  • Respiratory system - it enhances spare mitochondrial activity, which reduces stress in the respiratory cells.

  • Digestive system - amla is fiber-rich fruit, it also has the potentiality to increases the enzymes, also triggered the taste receptors which increases the appetite.

  • For menstrual health - few days before menstruation take amla reduces menstrual cramps, also uses in menorrhagia and metrorrhagia.

  • For diabetes - it increases the response of the body to insulin, so it helps to reduce sugar levels naturally.

  • During breastfeeding - taking amla powder with cow ghee in the same quantity improves the health of the mother for rejuvenation and provides proper nutrition.

  • Home Remedies of Amla.

    Health Benefits of Amla Murabba.

    Organic Amla Products

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