Urinary tract infection (UTI): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and prevention

Urinary tract infection (UTI): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and prevention


Articles >> Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

The urinary or anal part is considered a sensitive organ to taken care of and women have a lifetime risk of over 50% of developing a urinary tract infection than men. UTI is an infection of microbes in any part of the urinary system. Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, etc. Studies show that more serious infections are with the kidney.

Urinary tract infections are of 4 types- urethritis (infection of the urethra), vaginitis (infection of the vagina), cystitis (infection of the bladder), pyelonephritis (infection of the kidneys). Infections occur when bacteria, enter from the skin or rectum in the urethra and infect the urinary tract. These are very common and self-diagnosable.

Below are symptoms of UTIs

  • An intense or frequent urge to pee.

  • Passing frequent, but small amounts of urine.

  • A burning sensation while passing urine.

  • Pain during urination or sexual intercourse.

  • Sense of incomplete bladder emptying, foul smell of urine, cloudy or dark urine.

  • You may feel pain in the bladder, groin, pelvis, or lower abdomen.

  • Fever, fatigue, and chills.

  • Blood in the urine.

  • Vaginal irritation or cramping.

  • Pressure or pain in the back.

  • Each type of UTI results in specific symptoms, depending on which part of the urinary tract is infected. Hence, it is important to consult a doctor. Menopause, certain birth control, being a female, are some risk factors of it. Escherichia coli is the bacteria responsible for 90% of UTI cases.

    Here are some causes of urinary tract infections

  • Sexual intercourse, with multiple partners.
  • Poor personal hygiene.

  • Menopause.

  • Pregnancy.

  • Having kidney stones.

  • Diabetes.

  • Urinary catheter.

  • Inability to control bowel movements, called bowel incontinence.

  • Dehydration.

  • Blockage in the flow of urine.

  • Usually, upper Urinary tract infection symptoms take a longer time to resolve. By some scientific research, it is estimated that 20-50% of uncomplicated UTI infections resolve on their own. Usually, antibiotics are an effective treatment.

    Following are the preventive measures for UTIs

  • Keep yourself filled with fluids, drink enough water.

  • Avoid holding the urge to pass urine.

  • Wipe your genitals in the bathroom.

  • Urinate before and after sex.

  • Do not use any scented products on your genitals, like scented pads or tampons, deodorant sprays.

  • Be careful while using birth control options.

  • Grab your probiotics.

  • Avoid tight underwear or clothes.

  • Go to the bathroom every 2-3 hours to completely emptying the bladder.

  • Perimenopausal and postmenopausal women may be treated with estrogen therapy, which rebalances vaginal bacteria. UTIs are the second most common type of infection to occur in the human body. Women's anatomy has a shorter urethra, so it's easier for bacteria to enter the bladder, while in the case of males, it is related to an enlarged prostate, blocking the flow of urine, this allows bacteria to enter the Urinary tract. The doctor's likely to do a urine test for diagnosis. You can reduce your risk of getting a UTI by adopting healthy habits.

    These tips may helpful for you to manage Urinary tract infections -

  • Urinate after having sex.

  • Drink unsweetened cranberry juice, it works by preventing bacteria from adhering to the Urinary tract, hence, preventing infection.

  • Have plenty of vitamin C in your diet, it makes urine more acidic, thus killing off infection-causing bacteria.

  • Take probiotics. Yogurt, kefir, kimchi, etc.

  • Avoid using spermicides.

  • Drink water as much as possible, it can help to flush out the bacteria.

  • UTI infections can be frustrating to deal with. Have these lifestyle changes to guard against UTI

  • Eat more fruits.

  • Cut off coffee, alcohol, and spicy foods.

  • Minimize your sugar consumption.

  • When having sex, use a high-quality lubricant.

  • Avoid using feminine products that contain allergens, read labels carefully.

  • Visit your physician regularly.

  • Follow instructions especially when taking medications for UTI, inquire about doses of medicines properly. This can help to reduce the chances of recurring infections.


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