Greying of hair: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, home remedies for premature greying

Greying of hair: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, home remedies for premature greying

Articles >> Premature Greying Of Hair ( White Hair)

A few decades ago, we considered greying hair as a sign of aging, but now the scenario is changed. We see many children or teenagers with white hair, it is the leading complaint of every adult nowadays. Premature greying of hair also called charities or achromotrichia defined as greying of hair before 25 years in Asians, before 20 years in Europeans, and before 30 years in Africans. Hair goes gray to white when color-producing cells stop producing the 'melanin' a pigment that is responsible for the color of the hair.

Here are some common causes of premature greying of hair

  • Most importantly, genetics.

  • Stressful lifestyle.

  • Smoking.

  • Air Pollution and damage caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun.

  • Thyroid disorder.

  • Deficiency of vitamin B-12, vitamins, zinc, iron, selenium.

  • Lack of antioxidants through diet.

  • Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.

  • People with celiac disease.

  • Vitiligo.

  • The ability to reverse or prevent white hair depends on the cause. Having healthy hair is a sign of youth and general well-being for humans. Hair serves as a great means of non-verbal communication, premature greying of hair bear an adverse effect on the self-esteem and confidence of the individual. A teenager may get into depression.

    Following are some preventive measures for premature greying of hair, so you may have healthy-looking hair!

  • Keep your hair away from damaging products, limit the use of hairstyling machines.

  • Protect your hair from harmful sun rays.

  • Get enough vitamin A, C, B, E, D, and minerals.

  • Have enough protein intake because hair follicles are made of mostly protein.

  • Manage your stress.

  • Exercise regularly to increase blood circulation.

  • Massage your scalp to dilate blood vessels, this, in turn, stimulates hair follicles.

  • Indian gooseberry juice, almond oil, and a few drops of lemon juice have the benefit of preventing premature greying.

  • Use good quality shikakai as a hair cleanser.

  • parents need to ensure that children do not consume junk food in excess.

  • One research showed that serum ferritin levels were lower in patients with premature greying of hair as compared to healthy hair ones. The aging of hair comprises two important components, namely, the aging of hair follicles and weathering of the hair shaft. The aging of hair follicles refers to reduced melanocytes function and decreased hair production. Having grey hair at teenage is quite depressing, so for 'no more grey', below are a few managing tips -

  • Use mild shampoos, don't use the harsh ones, they are known to affect the hair follicles.

  • Use almond oil to massage your hair as it is rich in vitamin E and protein.

  • Have plenty of green vegetables on your plate. Spinach, capsicum, cucumber, celery are filled with iron.

  • Increase your intake of vitamin 'c'.

  • Have walnuts in your daily diet, they contain biotin (vitamin B7) which reduces the occurrence of premature greying of hair.

  • It is better if you cook your food using mustard oil, as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, an important factor for hair.

  • Curry leaves are considered an effective remedy when mixed with any oil.

  • B vitamin is a magical factor when it comes to hair greying. Supplements may help you to increase your body's ability to prevent greying. But, if the cause is genetic, it is very difficult to reverse the grey hair. Going to a dermatologist is a much better option, they will find the cause and give you the proper treatment. .

    With treatments, include these lifestyle changes so you will get the better results

  • Eat a balanced diet. Eat all the minerals and vitamins needed by the body.

  • Avoid tea and coffee, they build high oxidative levels in the body.

  • It is very important to have a good supply of blood to the hair follicles, do these yoga asanas to improve blood circulation -

  • - pavanmuktasana
    - Adhomukhasavasan
    - Sarvangasana
    - Halasana
    - Trikonasana
    - Rubbing nails

    " Invest in your hair, it is the crown you never take off ". - Casa vera beauty journals.

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