Nail Fungus: Onychomycosis, Causes, Symptoms, Home remedies for nail fungus

Nail Fungus: Onychomycosis, Causes, Symptoms, Home remedies for nail fungus

Articles >> Nail Fungus

Nail fungus also called onychomycosis or times unguium is a very common condition affecting more than 10 million people per year (India). Fungal infection of the nail begins as a yellow or white spot under the tip of the toenail or fingernail. It can be painful if the fungal infection goes deeper or the fungi are a lot in one area. Anyone can get this infection. But people with diabetes, a nail injury or nail surgery, circulation problems, athlete's foot, and/or weakened immune system are at risk.

Following are the types of fungal nail infections

  • Distal or lateral sublingual onychomycosis

  • White superficial onychomycosis

  • Proximal sublingual onychomycosis

  • Conditional onychomycosis

  • Distal or lateral sublingual onychomycosis is the most common type. Fungal nail infection is usually self-diagnosable.

    Following are the symptoms of it

  • Whitish to yellow-brown discoloration of your nail

  • Thickening of the nail.

  • Brittle nails.

  • Ragged or crumpy nails.

  • Color changed to dark color, caused by debris building up under your nail.

  • Foul-smelling of that part.

  • Distortion in the shape of a nail.

  • Hyperkeratosis, scaling under the nail.

  • Infected nails may separate from the nail bed.

  • The appearance of a yellow spot at the bottom of the nail.

  • Have a look at the causes of it

  • If you have come in contact with someone else who has a fungal infection, you can be infected as well.

  • Wearing shoes all day, fungi need a warm and moist environment to grow.

  • Tools such as nail clippers and emery boards can spread the fungal infection.

  • Swim in a public swimming pool.

  • For diagnosis, a doctor will usually examine debris that is scraped from underneath the nail. The test used is a potassium hydroxide (KOH) smear or fungal culture. Fungal culture tests may take some time, while KOH can be quickly performed. Several other conditions can result in similar symptoms, these include contact dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus, and yellow nail syndrome.

    Preventive measures for fungal nail infection are

  • Keep your feet dry.

  • Avoid walking barefoot in areas like public changing rooms or public showers.

  • Make sure the salon you are visiting is licensed by your state's cosmetology board, also, the salon sterilized its instruments after each use.

  • Do not share your socks or nail clippers with other people.

  • Cut your fingernail and toenails regularly. Keep them clean.

  • You may ignore this fungal infection until you are hit with pain. If you don't treat them, the infection may spread to nearby areas too, and at the worst, it could even become hard to walk.

    Manage your fungal infection of the nail by using these tips -

  • Try over-the-counter antifungal ointments and nail creams.

  • Prescribed antifungal pills may help, depending on the severity.

  • Hydrogen peroxide can kill the fungus that grows in toenails. You can try this, consulting with a medical professional.

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