Itching: Causes, pruritus, jock itch, Home remedies for itching

Itching: Causes, pruritus, jock itch, Home remedies for itching

Articles >> Itching

Itching is called pruritus, is an irritating, uncontrollable, and uncomfortable sensation that makes you want to scratch to relieve the itchy feeling. sometimes, itching may be worse at night, depending on the cause. A generalized itch is an itch that occurs all over the body while a localized itch is limited to one particular area. Rashes are the marks to indicate the changes in color or texture of the skin, itchiness may create a rash on the affected part. Not all rashes always itch, most of the time it is difficult to understand exactly what is causing the skin to itch.

Skin is a physiological barrier of our immune system it contains special cells that can protect the skin and body from any damage, once these cells detect any type of suspicious microbe, they trigger a reaction that causes the area to become inflamed.

Redness, scaly or leathery patches, scratch marks, cracked skin, dry skin, blisters, bumps, or spots are indications of having itchiness. A long-standing itch that interferes with your daily life activities also affects your quality of life.

Following are the causes of Itching

  • Skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

  • Dry skin.

  • Allergic reactions to food or pollen.

  • Reaction to marine life or a plant.

  • Insect bites.

  • Some medications.

  • Using chemicals, especially for skin and hair.

  • Parasites such as head and body lice, pinworms, and scabies.

  • Thyroid disorders.

  • Liver or kidney disease.

  • Certain cancer treatments.

  • Problems that can affect your nerve if a nerve isn't working properly, can cause itchy skin.

  • Itchy, raised welts found on the skin are called hives. Hives are a particular type of rash, also known as urticaria. They are different from common rash, having their characteristics appearance.

    Have a look at the preventive measures of it

  • Keep your skin moisturized in every season.

  • Make sure to use fragrance-free skin products.

  • Bathe with lukewarm water, avoid hot water to take bathe.

  • Rough-feeling fabrics such as wool can irritate your skin, causing itching, hence avoid wearing them.

  • Maintaining personal hygiene is an important factor while considering skin health.

  • - Washing hands frequently.

    - Wash your foots every time you come from outside.

    - Intimate organs are more prone to fungal and bacterial infections which can lead to intense itching, wash them properly and use well-dried undergarments.

    - Avoid using shared clothes.

  • Most itches are nothing more than a temporary scratching, but some serious itch can be a sign of a more serious condition. See a doctor if your skin texture or color changes or affects your whole body or lasts more than three weeks and doesn't improve with self-care.

  • For acute types of itching, have a look at these managing tips

  • Avoid itching, even though you are strongly willing to do it.

  • Pinch and pat the itchy skin.

  • Apply a cold compressor on an affected area, soothe you from itching.

  • Try over-the-counter creams and medicines (consult with your doctor first).

  • Apply a moisturizer on dry skin, use skin cleansers with low PH.

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