Blood pressure: Causes, Symptoms, Home remedies for High Blood Pressure, normal blood pressure

Blood pressure: Causes, Symptoms, Home remedies for High Blood Pressure, normal blood pressure

Articles >> High Blood Pressure/Hypertension

Our body is like a set alarm clock, every function of it is set to its level of numbers. Crossing these levels can cause bad effects on our organs which can be fatal. Here, we will be talking about one of them, especially hypertension/high blood pressure.

120/80 is the normal blood pressure for human beings. According to American Heart Association (AHA), high blood pressure is when your blood pressure, the force of blood pushing against the walls of blood vessels, is consistently too high. Simply, when it is higher than 140/90. And is considered severe if the pressure is above 180/120. You may not feel physically or mentally ill, but high blood pressure could be quietly causing damage that can be threatening for your heart. Chest pain, severe headaches, fatigue or confusion, vision problem, difficulty in breathing, blood in urine may have connections with high blood pressure.

Let's see what happens when you have high blood pressure:

  • There is inflammation in the endothelial cells that line up the walls of the arteries, narrows and hardens them, and restricts blood supply to the brain. Over time, this could lead to paralysis, cardiac arrest, or stroke.

  • It could lead to CKD ( chronic kidney disease).

  • It can also make your diabetes difficult to cure.

  • High blood pressure is the very first reason for erectile dysfunction and crashing libido. This may make your sex lives complicated and bring on a whole load of emotional stress and put you in a vicious cycle.

  • High blood pressure is of two types, primary hypertension, and secondary hypertension. Primary hypertension is also called essential hypertension or idiopathic hypertension. This kind of hypertension develops over time with no identifiable cause. It is the most common type affecting 80-90% of those with high blood pressure. A combination of factors like genes, physical changes, the environment may play a role. Diet, stress, minimal physical activity, and being overweight are some risk factors for it. Secondary hypertension or, less commonly, inessential hypertension is a type of hypertension that is caused by an identifiable underlying primary cause. Affecting only 5-8% of hypertensive patients. It has many different causes including hormonal diseases, kidney diseases, and tumors. It also can be a side effect of medicines.

    Well, known causes of high blood pressure are:

  • Kidney disease.

  • Obstructive sleep apnoea: where the walls of the throat narrow and relax during sleep, interrupting normal breathing.

  • Smoking, drinking alcohol.

  • Being overweight and lack physical activity.

  • Scleroderma: A condition that causes thickened skin, and sometimes problems with blood vessels.

  • Taking lots of medicine.

  • Lupus: A condition in which the immune system attacks on organs of the body.

  • Knowing causes are the key factor to treat any disease, but in the case of high blood pressure, self-monitoring is the best way to saving your body from any further damage.

    As blood pressure tends to rise with age, we shouldn't reach the alarming numbers of high blood pressure. Because " A word without high blood pressure is always a better place. " We just need to follow some preventive measures for it and then we'll be pretty much safe!

  • Manage your stress. It is the most important thing for overall well-being. Meditate or do something that makes you feel relax. Relive your hobbies, forgive easily, look at nature, listen to music, etc.

  • Say no to smoking.

  • Limit your alcohol consumption.

  • Getting regular exercise. Do any exercise in which your heart beats harder and you use more oxygen than usual. Aerobic exercises go best for lowering high blood pressure.

  • Eating a healthy diet. Sometimes, food is a curse if not eaten in the right amount. 'salt' is an important factor in fluid maintenance. A high intake of salt is responsible for raising blood pressure. 1 tablespoon of salt per day is considered safe. Use a low sodium salt. Eat foods that are lower in fat, as well as plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

  • If you have high blood pressure, you should work hard to bring that down, to manage its average level. Few are some simple things you can do for managing your high blood pressure.

  • Lose weight. Even losing as little as 4-5 kgs can lower your blood pressure.

  • Read labels. Say no to high-sodium foods by reading labels.

  • Eat iron-rich food.

  • Include yoga poses like shisusana, vajrasana, baddhakonasana, sukhasana, and ardhahalasana in your daily exercise.

  • Nature has given us some of the best things that hardly cost any money and if used daily can prevent suffering, disease, and expensive medical bills. While there are some cases need medications because of genetic reasons, or organ transplant, but for the rest of us (in the majority), we only need a change in our lifestyle.

  • Take a daily walk at least for 30 minutes.

  • Use Himalayan Salt instead of a normal one. As it contains all the essential minerals which are absent in normal salt.

  • Substitute your milk tea/coffee with green tea.

  • Add green leafy vegetables to your diet which are a great source of calcium.

  • Drink water even if you're not feeling thirsty, per 20 kgs need 1 liter of water every day. Decide according to your weight and just sip it!.

  • Take off from all the gadgets one hour before going to bed. It improves the quality of sleep.

  • Learn to ignore. It is not important to react to every stressful situation that you come across in your life.

  • Remember," Don't fall apart, have a healthy heart. "

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