Heartburn During Pregnancy: Home remedies for heartburn during pregnancy, heartburn pregnancy, home remedies for acidity

Heartburn During Pregnancy: Home remedies for heartburn during pregnancy, heartburn pregnancy, home remedies for acidity


Articles >> Heartburn During Pregnancy

No doubt that pregnancy comes with a beautiful feeling, dreams, and happiness but on the other side it also comes with a lot of health problems and responsibilities as you are carrying a life in you. Common issues in pregnancy are usually digestion and related problems. Heartburn or acid reflux also called indigestion is one of them. The thing is despite its name, it has nothing to do with the heart. It is a burning feeling in the chest when the stomach's contents move back into the esophagus (upward direction). The hormonal changes during pregnancy can make the valve at the entrance to the stomach so that it doesn't close as it should. This lets the acidic stomach contents move up into the esophagus a condition called gastroesophageal reflux it is normal but mostly occurs during the pregnancy.

Following are the symptoms of it

  • A burning sensation in the chest especially after eating a meal or drinking, when bending over, or when bending over or when lying down.

  • Chest pain.

  • Feeling or being sick.

  • Feeling full or bloated.

  • Bitter taste in the mouth.

  • Nausea.

  • Vomiting.

  • Sore throat.

  • Cough.

  • Belching.

  • Burning sensation or pain usually occurs in the middle of the chest. It can get worse in the later stages of pregnancy. According to an older study, severe acid reflux affects about 80 percent of pregnancies.

    Have a look at the common causes of it

  • Changing levels of hormones, hormones often slow down your digestive system. The movement of food becomes slower causing heartburn.

  • The pregnancy hormone progesterone causes the lower esophageal sphincter to relax this relaxation of the esophageal sphincter results in the upper movement of the stomach acid.

  • Enlargement of the uterus can crowd your stomach and push stomach acid upwards, this irritates the sensitive esophageal lining, causing the burning sensation right around where the heart is located, hence named heartburn.

  • Preventive measures for heartburn during pregnancy

  • Avoid fried, fatty, or spicy foods.

  • Limit your caffeine intake.

  • Avoid citrus fruits and juices.

  • Eat slowly.

  • Drink between your meals, but not with meals.

  • Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of large ones at a time.

  • Avoid alcohol.

  • quit smoking.

  • Eliminate trigger foods.

  • Take proper sleep.

  • Increase your intake of fluids.

  • Usually, for heartburn relief, over-the-counter antacids are recommended, but make sure to consult with your doctor before taking any medications.

    Try these managing tips

  • Having skimmed milk and dairy products like yogurt can help decreasing irritation and relieving heartburn.

  • Drink coconut water, fruit juices, and herbal tea it helps to relieve the symptoms of heartburn.

  • Exercise regularly, go for a 20-30 minutes walk.

  • Also, include the following yoga poses -

  • - Ustrasana (modified camel)

    - Matsysana (supported fish pose)

    - Warrior 1 (virabhadrasana 1)

  • Strictly avoid caffeine and carbonated drinks.

  • Having a healthy diet and good exercise will help you to stay away from this acid reflux condition.


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