Freckles: Causes, Types, Home remedies for freckles, freckles on face

Freckles: Causes, Types, Home remedies for freckles, freckles on face

Articles >> Freckles

Freckles are brown, flat, beige spots that typically cluster pigmented cells in the skin. In most cases freckles are harmless. They are always darker than the skin around them. There are two types of freckles:

1. Ephelides

2. Lentigo

The main difference between these two is, ephelides fade during the winter months while a lentigo persists even in the absence of ultraviolet rays.

Following are two main signs of having freckles

  • A smooth texture and no bumps on the patch.

  • A smattering of flat and light brown spots.

  • Freckles are common in children. Some people are more likely to get freckles depending on their skin type.

    Sun exposure and genetics are two important causes of it.

    Freckles are formed as a result of the overproduction of melanin pigment. Melanin is responsible for the color of skin and hair. Freckles are visible after 2-3 years of age after frequent sun exposure and fade with age. These are common on the face of red-headed and poorly pigmented individuals. Be aware, because unusual appearing freckles may become a sign of skin cancer which can be malignant. Symptomatic pigmented or colored spots should be examined by your dermatologist.

    Preventive measures for freckles

  • Use of sunscreen with SPF 40 or 50.

  • reapply sunscreen after every 2 hours of sun exposure.

  • Avoid the peak sun hours from 10:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

  • Use umbrella or hats while going out in a daylight.

  • Eat foods that contain vitamin C.

  • It is possible to minimize the appearance of freckles. Most of the time, they fade or go away on their own.

    Here are some treatments your dermatologist may recommend you

  • Laser treatment - energy releases from the laser beam stimulate the skin cells and starts the skin's healing process, gradually diminishing the freckles.

  • Cryosurgery - in this method, liquid nitrogen is applied to targeted areas of the skin, to reduce the freckles.

  • Chemical peels - exfoliating peels such as trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid encourages new skin generation by exfoliating the skin's middle layer hence, reducing freckles.

  • Fading/bleaching creams - hydroquinone-containing creams, which suppress melanin production while lightening the color of the skin.

  • These treatments may yield side effects depending on your medical history and skin type. Hence, it is better to prevent freckles from forming.

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