Dry hair: Causes, Symptoms, Home remedies for dry hair

Dry hair: Causes, Symptoms, Home remedies for dry hair


Articles >> Dry Hair

Dry hair is hair that does not have enough oil and moisture to maintain its normal texture and sheen. Your scalp doesn't make enough oil or your hair lets the moisture escape. Hair is tightly coiled with Z-shaped curls, this is the driest type of hair and needs extra moisturizing. Dry hair has a brittle texture to touch with or without split ends that may be visible when you look in the mirror. It can affect men and women of any age, but you are more likely to develop it as you get older. Luster and sheen are two important signs of healthy hair, when you have dry hair the outer layer breaks down.

Following are the causes of dry hair

  • Hot and dry climate.

  • Frequently swimming in salty or chlorinated water.

  • Using harsh shampoos and conditioners.

  • Using styling products often.

  • Spending a lot of time in the wind or sun.

  • Washing your hair frequently.

  • Blow drying your hair regularly.

  • Using straighteners or curlers.

  • Chemically treating your hair.

  • Health conditions such as anorexia Nervosa, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, mentes syndrome.

  • If an underlying medical problem is causing your hair to dry, coordinate with your doctor to find the best course of treatment for you.

    Below are some preventive measures

  • Include omega-3 and antioxidants in your diet.

  • Get a trim.

  • Use essential oils for your hair.

  • Avoid washing your hair frequently.

  • Take vitamin A, C, biotin(H), these will contribute to healthy hair

  • Have kidney beans, walnuts, broccoli, tomatoes, blueberries to your diet as they are rich in antioxidants.

  • Healthy fats, like those found in canola oil, are good for treating damaged hair.

  • Avoid heat styling.

  • Instead of hair drying, wrapping your hair with a cloth or towel.

  • Coconut oil is considered best for treating dry hair.

  • Do not use too cold or too hot water for washing your hair.

  • Importantly, your hair needs regular cuts to look less damaged. Use these managing tips to revitalizing your brittle dry hair.

  • Use natural oils to moisturize your hair.

  • Use a mild shampoo, mineral-based.

  • Use a conditioner after shampooing.

  • Trim split ends.

  • Avoid alcohol.

  • Wash your hair once or twice a week instead of every day.

  • Try professional deep conditioning.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Eat fish.

  • Avoid using a hair dryer or any heat styling product.


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