Depression: Symptoms, Causes, home remedies for depression

Depression: Symptoms, Causes, home remedies for depression

Articles >> Depression

Lack of awareness about mental health is a long-term issue. The brain is the most vital, sensitive, and important part of the body. What makes you be you, is your brain. So, it is very common sense that, we should take care of the brain a little more. A healthy person is a combination of both good mental and physical health.

The current century is filled with competition in every phase of life, which is, of course, important to succeed. But the generation isn't able to handle the pressure and stress that comes with it, and it can be an onset of depression.

Depression or major depressive disorder(MDD) is a condition that can affect daily life, causing significant impairment in day-to-day life. It is very common to feel down once in a while, but if you're sad most of the time and it affects your work you need to take it seriously. There are many types of depression, hence firstly, let your doctor know how you're feeling, diagnosis is important in deciding the right treatment for you. Depending upon the severity, you feel the following symptoms:

  • Mainly this is a mood disorder, you may feel these: Hopelessness, emptiness, anxiety, persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, guilt, general discontent, mood swings.

  • Excessive crying, restlessness, insomnia.

  • Loss of appetite, fatigue, or excessive hunger.

  • Thoughts of suicide, lack concentration, repeatedly going over thoughts.

  • Depression also has the potential to affect the infrastructure of the brain. These range from oxygen restriction, inflammation to actual shrinking. Parts associated with emotions are the ones in which structural and functional abnormalities have been found, they are the amygdala, hippocampus, and dorsomedial thalamus.

    As it is a quite complex disorder, the following are the causes of it

  • Genetically vulnerable to depression, and stress can take you in a depressive situation.

  • Imbalance in the neurotransmitters.

  • Certain medical conditions like Addison's disease, Liver disease, Thyroid disorders.

  • Poor nutrition

  • Females are more prone to depression, due to the continuous fluctuation in their hormonal level after puberty.

  • Disturbance in the normal circadian rhythm in the body.

  • Grief and loss of closed ones.

  • Drugs and alcohol usage.

  • Peer pressure.

  • Overload of studies.

  • Failures.

  • Relationship issues.

  • The age group of 18-29 has the highest rate of depressive episodes. Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) survey physicians use to assess the severity of depression. Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but is more common and also hard to bear.

    Have a look at some preventive measures

  • Most importantly, stay away from the things that disturb your peace of mind, lowers your self-esteem. We very well know what are they.

  • Exercise regularly, it increases your body temperature which can have a calming effect on the brain and releases hormones that have a positive impact on your mood.

  • Cut off on social media for a time. It will give you much time to think in your own and unique way, also reduces peer pressure.

  • Increase your decision-making ability, so you'll be less stressed.

  • Eat food filled with B vitamins and folate. Sometimes, a deficiency of those is linked to depression.

  • Keep yourself in an ideal weight.

  • Reduce drug and alcohol usage.

  • It is better not to smoke.

  • Sleep for 8 hours. Take a qualitative sleep.

  • Meditate, 2-3 times a week.

  • Be aware of the side effects of medicines you're taking.

  • It is difficult to express when we're in a deep sense of loneliness, pain which are killing the positive thoughts one by one, irritability and frustration are taking place in your mind which you cannot able to handle yourself. Talk to someone. It is important. Try to surround yourself with your loved ones. And if necessary, go for medical help. It is taboo that, only "mad" people go to the psychiatrist or psychologist and it is a truth that, nowadays everyone is having! It is a very intelligent thought to get proper treatment. Arnold Bennett said, " The best cure for worry, depression, melancholy, brooding, is to go deliberately forth and try to lift with one's sympathy the gloom of somebody else ".

    These are some tips for managing depression -

  • The first aid for this is, talk to someone, whom you have trust. About what you're feeling, because in such situations emotional brain responds quickly, and you might push yourself into something wrong.

  • Listen to music and spend time with nature.

  • Start taking deep breaths during this situation.

  • Keep yourself busy with something you like.

  • Write down the things you're grateful for. It helps a lot to change the mood.

  • Get enough sleep.

  • Remember what you've achieved in life, and give a reward to yourself. It can be anything like buying chocolate or ice cream for you or anything you want.

  • Set attainable goals. Remember one step at a time, small and easy goals increase your confidence level.

  • If you're feeling severe symptoms, go get medical help.

  • It is nearly impossible to delete these depressive conditions from your life. It is very common. Lord Buddha said, " Our mind is full of anger, jealousy, and other negative feelings. Yet we do not realize that these are incompatible with inner peace and joy ". What we can do is, to see where we are, in our expectations or a state of what others want. Know the truth. And don't be afraid to have your own opinions. Feed your mind with positivity and hope.

    You can improve your lifestyle to complement your depression treatment. Below are some lifestyle changes you should add

  • Eat healthy food. Say no to junk! Keeping the gut healthy is a way to keep yourself happy. As happiness hormone "serotonin" works from the stomach.

  • Include nuts, fish, fruits, and vegetables they contain omega-3S and omega-6S fatty acid.

  • Add halasana, shishuasana, savasana, adho mukha svanasana in your exercise regime. They help you to relax and improves your mood.

  • Meditate, even if you don't feel like to do.

  • " We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves ".

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