Constipation, symptoms, causes, Treatment, Prevention, home remedies for constipation

Constipation, symptoms, causes, Treatment, Prevention, home remedies for constipation

Articles >> Constipation

To tell you scientifically, a healthy gut is a source of happiness. The hormone serotonin is the hotshot in stabilizing our mood, feelings, and happiness. 90% of serotonin supply is found in the digestive tract, gut bacteria produce neurochemicals that the brain uses to regulate the mental and physiological process, one of them is serotonin production. So, if you want to keep your happiness uplifted the answer the very simple, keep your gut healthy!

Constipation is a condition or a symptom of many diseases in which a person has difficult bowel movements, passes less than three bowel movements a week. It is considered to be a common complaint of people in almost every country of the world. Constipation can occur in people of almost all ages. Occasional constipation is common in every group, but chronic constipation lasts for a longer duration of time, it is not good for health if not taken care of, as toxins are continually build-up in your body rather than throwing them outside. Being an older adult, very little physical activity, being a woman, being on certain medications are some risk factors of it.

In this condition, you may feel the following symptoms

  • Hard stool

  • Difficulty in passing stool

  • Blockage feeling in the gut

  • The unsatisfied feeling after passing stool

  • Stomach ache or cramps

  • You feel bloated

  • Fewer than 3 bowel movements a week.

  • Chronic constipation needs proper health care treatment. Constipation happens when your colon absorbs too much water from the waste, which then dried out the stool and making it difficult to push out of the body. During this situation, food moves slowly through the digestive tract. There is a slight risk of bacterial infection if waste gets into an existing wound in the colon or rectum.

    Let's have a look at the causes

  • Dehydration, not drinking enough water.

  • Eating foods that are low in fiber.

  • Eating excessive dairy products.

  • Changes in your routine, such as eating or going to bed at different times.

  • Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement.

  • Many drugs cause constipation.

  • Not exercising enough.

  • Pregnancy

  • Stress

  • History of colon surgery.

  • Neurological problems can affect the nerves that cause muscles in the colon and rectum to contract and so, the slow movement of stool.

  • Fiber-rich foods have a high impact on the digestion process. They are generally made from plants. Fiber comes in two forms, soluble and insoluble. The soluble fiber dissolves in water and creates a soft, gel-like material while passing through the digestive system. Insoluble fiber retains most of its structure, as it goes through the GI tract. Both forms of fiber join with stool and make it easier to pass through the rectum

    The following can help you to prevent developing constipation

  • Don't ignore the urge to pass stool.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Exercise regularly, it improves digestion and absorption.

  • Create a regular schedule for bowel movements.

  • Eat fiber-rich food, women should eat at least 22-25 grams of fiber a day, and men should eat 30-38 grams a day.

  • Try not to eat much dairy and meat products.

  • Handle your emotional health in a better way. The gut and the brain are closely connected.

  • In this faster day-to-day life, where time is the precious thing. For working people, constipation is more common due to unhealthy eating habits.

    Here are some ways to manage constipation

  • Start drinking 2 glasses of lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning, it helps to improve bowel movements.

  • Add probiotics to your diet. They are friendly bacteria that are known to cure constipation.

  • Molasses, especially blackstrap molasses are useful for instant relief from constipation.

  • Eat more green vegetables.

  • Drink water as much as possible.

  • Take 8-9 hours of sleep, not too much nor too less. It helps to regulate bowel movements.

  • Laxatives may also help.

  • Say no to junk food.

  • The frontline recommendation for any disease or condition is the "lifestyle changes". Include these changes in your daily routine so you can work without having any uneasy, uncomfy feelings.

  • Count your fibers. Eat oats, barley, cereals, carrots, oranges, berries, nuts, etc.

  • Keep a water bottle with you, so you can easily remember to drink it.

  • Add ardha-matsyendrasana, Halasana, pavanmuktasana to your exercise routine.

  • Keep a fixed time to eat.

  • Do meditation to manage emotional health.

  • And, stay healthy with a healthy gut!

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