Acne, Pimple, Home remedies for acne, treatment of acne, home remedies for pimples, treatment for pimples

Acne, Pimple, Home remedies for acne, treatment of acne, natural remedies of acne, pimple, remedies of acne on face, remedy for pimples, pimples on face

Articles >> Acne (Pimples)

One of the most usual complaints of teenagers is having acne. Days when you're studying, attending farewells, picnics, parties, and suddenly these pimples pop out, and you want to hide your face! But to tell you the truth, having acne is very normal. Most of the time it is due to bacteria or fluctuating levels of the hormone.

Acne or acne vulgaris is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with dead skin cells and oil, having 'acne' is a disease and pimples are one of its symptoms. Following are different types of acne:

1) Comedo
2) Cyst
3) Nodule
4) Papule
5) Acne conglobata
6) Acne mechanics

Of those types, acne conglobata have the most severe type. It can affect the neck, chest, arms, and buttocks.

Below are few causes of acne

  • Hormonal changes, due to the onset of puberty.

  • Eating oily, spicy, and junk food frequently.

  • Bacterial infection.

  • Women are more likely to have adult acne than men. It is due to periods, polycystic ovary syndrome, and pregnancy.

  • Steroid and lithium medicines can cause acne.

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.

  • The sebaceous gland which is situated under the skin produces an oily substance called sebum. Sebum lubricates the skin and makes it more impervious to moisture. Sebum is released continually, in small amounts into the skin and hair follicles. Sometimes the sebaceous gland produces too much sebum, this can claim the pore. This pore becomes clogged with bacteria, these bacteria can lead to an infection, inflammation, swelling, and redness around the clogged pore. This creates a pimple. Further, pimples leave spots and scars on your face, which makes your skin duller. If your pimples have developed into pustules, you should see a dermatologist.

    Have a look at these preventive measures

  • Wash your face 2 times a day with a mild face wash. It is important to remove excess dirt, oil, sweat daily.

  • Drink 10-12 glasses of water per day.

  • Do not touch your face frequently.

  • Limit the use of makeup products.

  • Use non-comedogenic, oil-free sunscreen. It is better to avoid frequent sun exposure.

  • Squeezing or popping the pimples causes more harm, so don't do that!

  • Know your skin type and stick to what suits your skin.

  • Try not to take much stress. Stress produced more stimulating hormones.

  • If you have acne, do not worry much because it is a condition you can manage easily with the help of your doctor.

    Below are some managing tips

  • Use a topical retinoid if you've mild acne.

  • Use rose water as a toner, it helps to dry out the pimples.

  • Moisturize your skin with a water-based moisturizer.

  • Do not scrub.

  • Change your pillowcase at least weekly.

  • Exercise regularly but don't forget to maintain proper hygiene before, during, and after your workouts.

  • Quit smoking.

  • Acne has a bad impact on self-esteem and confidence, but be patient, give some time to your skin to heal naturally. Control your temptation of popping the pimple.

    Following are the lifestyle changes that may help you to combat acne

  • Don't forget to add facial exercises to your routine.

  • Do pranayama, Sarvangasana, bhujangasans, chakrasana to improve acne.

  • Try to go makeup-free, instead use mineral-based makeup.

  • Clean your face properly before going to bed.

  • Eat fruits that are bright in color. Carrot, strawberry, watermelon, papaya are good for keeping the skin healthy.

  • Healthy glowing skin gives you confidence. So take care of your skin.

    " Glowing skin is a result of proper skincare, it means you can wear less makeup and let the skin shine through" - Michel Coulombe.

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