Ayurveda Dietetics, Deho hi Ahara Sambhava

Ayurveda Dietetics, Deho hi Ahara Sambhava


List Of Articles >> Ayurveda Dietetics

Written and Reviewed By :
Dr. Suma Jambli, MD Kayachikitsa,
Assistant Professor (Roga Nidana Dept),
Sanjeevini Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital,
Hubli, Karnataka.

"Deho hi Ahara Sambhava" - Human body is said to be the bio-product of food

Good nutrition means maintaining a nutritional status that enables us to grow well and enjoy good health. Those who take proper diet live a long life and those not doing so die a premature death. Proper food is the most important requirement for a healthy body. Right from birth, the body has to get a continuous supply of this fuel to keep its energy processes working.

Unfortunately, hardly one or two percent of individuals in India follow these codes and rules of dietetics. One who won't follow will end up with lifestyle disorders like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, pcod, hypothyroidism, etc. changing the lifestyle will make us avoid medicines intake and thus by the natural way only the health can be attained.

In Ayurveda ahara intake has been given more importance under the heading of ahara vidhi vidhana( rules of diet and dietetics), not only Ayurveda but also puranas like yajurveda, vishnupurana, chandogya Upanishad and Ramayana, etc. says about the importance of ahara.

  • Classics have mentioned many classifications of ahara based on quantity, quality, nature, etc in bagvath geeta satwika, tamasika and rajasika ahara are mentioned. Ayurveda mentions some food items which should be consumed regularly.

  • Sastika, Sali - carbohydrate.

  • Mudga - protein.

  • Saindhava lavana - minerals.

  • Yava - barley - protein.

  • Milk - calcium.

  • Amalaki - vitamin c, antioxidant.

  • Rainwater - minerals.

  • Ghee - good fat.

  • This makes a balanced diet. To consume balanced diet dietetics rules are mentioned by Acharya Charaka.

  • Ushna - Food should be warm and freshly prepared.

  • Snigdha - Eat food that is not roasted, hard to eat, and dry to eat., add little ghee.

  • Parimana - Adequate quantity neither less or more.

  • Jeerna antar bhojana - Eat only when previous food taken is digested.

  • Virya viruddha bhojana - Do not take which is incompatible.

  • Sheegra bhojana - Avoid eating too fast, Avoid slow eating also, Eating silently without laughing.

  • Atma abhivikshana - Paying attention to what u eat.

  • Matra - Proper quantity will lead to positive health. Carbohydrates, fats, and protein are macronutrients, which are needed in large amounts. Vitamins and minerals constitute the micronutrients and are required in a smaller amount. Moreover our digestive capacity 'Jataragni' should be proper, if not it leads to indigestion, which is the main causative factor for many illnesses.

  • As per Astanga Sangraha half of the stomach is to be filled with solid food, One quarter with liquids, another quarter should be kept vacant for the free movement of Vata.

  • All these rules are to be followed by every individual to attain proper health because eating a healthy diet can reduce the negative effects of stress on your body. We the INDIANS are vegetarians by the majority, but lack of vegetables in our food, that's why we are stressed. A healthy diet builds a solid, more enduring foundation for our body by reducing oxidation and inflammation and by helping to reduce weight gain, because 'what we eat we become' so proper diet, exercise will help to attend varna(complexion), prasannata(liveliness), sukha(happiness), swara(voice), jeevana(healthy life), pratibha(achievements), bala(strength) and dhi(intelligence). Thus by following a healthy diet in daily routine will make us healthy because "prevention is better than cure".


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