Kumari medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms

Kumari medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms


Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Kumari

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Gruhakanya, ghritakumarika, kanya

Regional Name

Bengali : ghrutkumari
Gujarati : kuvarpathu
Hindi : gheekunvar, gavarpatha
Kannada : lolisara
Tamil : katalai
Telugu : kalabanda
English : aloe vera

Botanical Name

Aloe barbadensis



Classification (Gana)

Bhavprakash nighantu : guduchyadi varga

Kaiydeva nighantu : aushadhi varga

Raj nighantu : parpatadi varga

External Morphology

A perennial small shrub

Useful Parts

Stem (modified leaves)

Important Phytoconstituent

Aloenin, aloctin, aloe-emodine, glycoside, chysophanol, alocutin, barbaloin

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : Tikta
Guna : guru, snigdha, pichhila
Virya : shita
Vipaka : katu



Therapeutic Indication

Bhedana (drastic purgative), vrushya (aphrodisiac), brumhana (bulk promoting), chakshushya (good for eyes), pleehagna (treat splenomegaly)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Kamla - fresh juice of kumari is beneficial in jaundice.
2. Vibandh - fresh juice/ pulp take in the morning empty stomach is beneficial in constipation.
3. Dagdha vrana - aloe vera juice is applied on burns immediately for soothing and healing.


Juice - 10-20 ml, aqueous extract - 125-250 mg


Kumari ghan, kumari asava, rajahpravartini vati, kumari taila

Adverse Effect

Not Known

Remedial Measure

Not required


Not required


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