Kokilaksha medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms

Kokilaksha medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms


Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Kokilaksha

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Kakekshu, bhikshu,ikshur, kandekshu, ikshugandha, ikshubalika, kshuraka, kshura

Regional Name

Bengali : Kuliakhara, kulekhada
Gujarati : Aekharo
Hindi : Talmakhana
Kannada : Kulugolike
Tamil : Nirmulli
Telugu : Golimidi kettu

Botanical Name

Astercantha longifolia



Classification (Gana)

Aacharya Charaka : sukrasodhana mahakashaya

Bhavaprakasha nighantu : guduchtyadi varga

External Morphology

A small spiny annual herb

Useful Parts

Seed, root, whole plant

Important Phytoconstituent

Hygrophiloside, asterol, beta- sitosterol, asteracnthine, lupeol

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : Madhura, amla, tikta
Guna : Pichhila, snigdha
Virya : Shita
Vipaka : Madhura



Therapeutic Indication

Balya (stamina booster), sukrasodhaka(purify the semen anomalies), brumhana (bulk promoting), vatraktahara (useful in gout), ashmarihara (lithotriptic), sothahara (anti-inflammatory)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Sotha - ash of the whole plant given with gaumutra or water in inflammation.
2. Vajikara - seed powder with kauncha powder is given by fresh milk is useful as an aphrodisiac.
3. Vatarakta - decoction of the whole plant with pippali churna is beneficial to treat gout.


Root decoction - 30-40 ml, seed powder - 2-4 gm, alkali - 250-500 mg, ash 1-2 gm


Paustika churna, kokilaksha kwatha, chopchinyadi churna

Adverse Effect

Not Known

Remedial Measure

Not required


Not required


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