Kantakari medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms

Kantakari medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms


Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Kantakari

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Kshudra, duhsparsha, vyaghri, nidigdhika, kantalika, kantakini, dhavani

Regional Name

Bengali : kantikari
Gujarati : bethi boringani
Hindi : laghu katai
Kannada : nella gullu
Tamil : kandanakatttari
Telugu : challan mulaga

Botanical Name

Solanum surattense/ xanthocarpum



Classification (Gana)

Aacharya charaka : angamarda parshamana, kanthya, hikkanigrahana, sothahara, kasahara.

Aacharya sushruta : laghypanchamoola, bruhtyadi, varunadi

Aacharya vagbhatta : bruhatyadi, varunadi

External Morphology

Diffuse herb with prickles

Useful Parts

Whole plant, root

Important Phytoconstituent

Beta- carotene, solasodine, solamargine, solasonine, tomatidienol

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : Tikta, katu
Guna : Laghu, ruksha, tikshna
Virya : ushna
Vipaka : Katu



Therapeutic Indication

Deepan(appetizer), pachan(digestive), mutrala(diuretic), ashmarighna (lithotriptic)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Kasa - decoction with pippali powder is beneficial in cough.
2. Swasa - kantakari, amla, and hingu powder with honey is beneficial for asthma.
3. Sotha - root decoction with guda is beneficial in inflammatory disesases.


Decoction - 40-80 ml, powder - 1-3 gm


Kantakari ghrita, kantakari avleha, vyaghri taila, vyaghri haritaki

Adverse Effect

Not Known

Remedial Measure

Not required


Not required


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