Eranda medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms

Eranda medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms

Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Eranda

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Urubaka, panchangula, vardhamana, vyadambaka, vyaghrapuccha, aamanda, gandharvahasta

Regional Name

Bengali : bherenda
Gujarati : diveliyo, aerando
Hindi : eranda
Tamil : amanakku
Telugu : amadamu
English : castor
Malyalam : avanakku

Botanical Name

Ricinus communis



Classification (Gana)

Aacharya charak : bhedaniya, angamardaprashamana, swedopaga mahakashaya.

Acharya Sushruta : vidarigandhadi, adhobhagahara, vatasamsamana gana.

Acharya vagbhatta : vidarigandhadi

External Morphology

3- 5 meter high shrub

Useful Parts

Root, leaves, fruit, oil

Important Phytoconstituent

Lupeol, lipids, ricinine, ricinoluc, arachidic

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : madhura, katu, kashaya
Guna : snigdha, tikshna, sukshma
Virya : ushna
Vipaka : madhura



Therapeutic Indication

Rechana(purgative), vrushya(aphrodisiac), vatavyadhihara(useful in nural disorders), udavartahara(useful in stomach disorders)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Katishoola - application of castor oil on back, then heat the leaves on the pan, apply to the back as a fomentation, it is helpful in back pain.
2. Slipada - eranda oil with cow urine with the diet of rice and milk is beneficial in filariasis.
3. Kasa - eranda leaves with trikatu powder, oil, and jaggery are useful to treat cough.


Root powder - 3-5 gm, decoction - 50-100 ml, seed oil - 5-10 ml


Hingu triguna taila, simhanada guggulu, rasnaerandadi Kashaya, vatari guggulu, gandharvahastadi taila

Adverse Effect

Seeds are toxic in the large amount, it causes abdominal discomfort, vomiting, and sometimes eyes inflammations.

Remedial Measure

Gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment


Boil the castor seeds in coconut water for 3 hours. After that sundried and preserved.


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