Arka medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms

Arka medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms

Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Arka

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Alarka,sadapushpa, mandara, vikirana, asphota, arkaparna, kshirparni, tulaphala

Regional Name

Bengali : Aakanda
Gujarati : Akado
Hindi : Madara
Tamil : Pellerukku, erukku
Telugu : Jilledu, mandaram
English : Madar, crown flower


1)Rakta, 2)Sweta

Botanical Name

Calotropis procera/ Calotropis gigantea



Classification (Gana)

Acharya Charaka mentioned arka in bhedaniya, vamanopaga, and swedopaga mahakashaya.

Acharya Sushruta mentioned in arkadi, and adhobhaghar gana.

And acharya vagbhatta mentioned in arkadi gana.

External Morphology

2 to 4 - meter high shrub

Useful Parts

Root, rootbark, flower, leaf, latex, seeds

Important Phytoconstituent

Alpha and beta amyrins, laurane, saccharose, taraxasterol

Rasa Panchak

Apakva phala:

Rasa : Katu, tikta
Guna : Laghu, Ruksha, tikshana
Virya : Ushna
Vipaka : Katu


Vatahara, rechana, vishaghna, deepana

Therapeutic Indication

Sophahara(anti-inflammatory), vranya(wound healing), arshohar(for piles), krumihar(antihelmintic), medoroga(obesity), jwara(anti-pyretic)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Arsha - fumigation arka is useful to disinfectant the piles.
2. Gandamala - arka kshira mixed with hibiscus flower, and Laksharas are beneficial in inflammation of lymph node swelling around the neck.
3. Udarroga and pleeha vruddhi - make an ash of arka leaves with rock salt, take it with the curd water.
4. Jwara - kshira (latex) of arka including in making of sweet preparation of milk, is advised in chronic fever.


Flower powder - 1-3 gm, rootbark powder - 0.5-1 gm


Arka lavana, arka taila, arka vati, ravimooladi vati

Side Effect

Diarrhea, vomiting, convulsion

Remedial Measure

Anti-dot : Nilini (Indigofera tinctoria) juice, tamarind juice


Not required


Health benefits of Arka (Roostertree)

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