Amalaki plant, medicinal plants, regional names, family, synonyms, Health benefits of Amalaki (Indian gooseberry)

Amalaki plant, medicinal plants, regional names, family, synonyms, Health benefits of Amalaki (Indian gooseberry)

Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Amalaki

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Vayasya, vrishya, jatiphalarasa, shiva, dhatriphala, shriphala, amrutaphala, tishyaphala

Regional Name

Hindi : Aavala
Bengali : Amla, amaro
Gujarati : Amala
Telugu : Usirikaya
Kannada : Nelli, nellikai
Tamil : Nellimar, nellikay

Botanical Name

Emblica Officinalis, Phyllanthus emblica



Classification (Gana)

According to Acharya charak - kashghna, jwarghna, virechanopaga, kushthaghna, vayasthapan Ganas included Amalaki According to Sushruta Samhita - Triphala Gana includes Amalaki.

External Morphology

15-20 meter, medium to high tree

Useful Parts

Fruit, leaves (rare)

Important Phytoconstituent

Galic acid, elaigic acid, vitamin C

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : Amla Pradhan, lavan varjita pancharasa
Guna : Laghu, Ruksha
Virya : Shita
Vipaka : Madhur



Therapeutic Indication

Raktapittahar (bleeding disorders), pramehghna (anti-diabetic), vrushya (aphrodisiac), Rasayana(rejuvenating), keshya (good for hair)

Therapeutic Uses

1. For diabetes - Amalaki powder with honey.
2. For eyes - Juice/ powder with water is useful for eyewash.
3. For mouth - Amlaki leaves are useful to treat mouth ulcers.
4. For diarrhea - Amalaki leaves with buttermilk are used for diarrhea.


Powder - 3 to 10 gm


Chyavanprash, dhatri-loha, amalaki rasayan, triphala

Adverse Effect

Not Known

Remedial Measure

Not Required


Not required


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