Home remedies of guggul,natural remedies of guggul and uses of guggul info

Home remedies of guggul,natural remedies of guggul and uses of guggul info


Ayurvedic Home Remedies By Herbs >> Guggul

Organic Guggul and its Products

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Home Remedies of Guggul

  • Guggul is useful in arthritic and helps in reversing the degenerative changes that occur in joints and bones.

  • Guggul helps in strengthening the digestive system, easy secretion of digestive juices and avoids indigestion and constipation.

  • The Guggul herb is useful in menstrual disturbances and painful menses.

  • Guggul water is widely used to gargle to get relieve from tonsillitis, mouth ulcer's and throat irritations.

  • Take 25mg of Guggul powder daily for 12 to 24 weeks to purify blood and reduce skin diseases.

  • Guggul helps in promoting the production of red blood corpuscles and improving white blood corpuscles.

  • Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of guggul powder 2 to 3 times a day with hot or lukewarm water or milk, it reduces the temperature and improves thyroid functioning.

  • Take Guggul powder with hot ginger flavored tea which is helpful in reducing the fat content in the body.

  • Consume guggul powder daily will helps in treating leprosy and eczema.

  • If guggul extract is consumed for few days it is useful in fighting tumors.

  • Guggul is beneficial in hemorrhoids and colitis and relieves from hyperacidity and belching.

  • Guggul powder is good for spongy gums and ulcerated throat.

  • If guggul is taken internally it acts as a blood detoxifier that breaks up stagnation in the body.

  • To stay away from acne guggul is the best recommended medicine for teenagers.

  • Guggul can be taken by the people who are suffering from injuries, back pain and headaches.

  • Guggul is known to be a heart tonic as it strengthens the heart. It removes the blocking of the arteries and improves blood circulation. Hence the chances of heart attack lower down.

  • Guggul is the best remedy to treat cervical spondylosis. It helps to remove the toxic substances from the body. So, the pain of cervical spondylosis gets reduced.


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