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Ayurvedic Home Remedies By Herbs >> Fig(Anjeer)

Organic Fig(Anjeer)

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Home Remedies of Fig(Anjeer)

  • People with having high salt diet may be affected by increased urinary calcium loss. Eating Fig(Anjeer) can help to avoid it.

  • Regular intake of Fig(Anjeer) will give good vision in older people.

  • To prevent stomach aches and indigestion, take 3 grams of Fig(Anjeer) fruits with 5 grams of Fig(Anjeer) fiber and consume it.

  • Taking Fig(Anjeer) regularly will help in reducing weight.

  • The pectin that is present in Fig(Anjeer) is good at absorbing cholesterol and maintaining it. So use Fig(Anjeer) in your regular diet.

  • Fig(Anjeer) can heal various respiratory problems like asthma and whooping cough.

  • Fig(Anjeer) is rich in calcium so consumption of it will help to strengthen bones.

  • Eating Fig(Anjeer) will help to increase the potassium and decrease the sodium in the body. So it helps to avoid hypertension.

  • To gain weight, take 2 to 3 Fig(Anjeer) soak them in milk at night and consume them in the morning.

  • Take 5 grams of fiber per 3 Fig(Anjeer) and serve. It helps in healthy bowel function and prevents constipation.

  • Eating Fig(Anjeer) regularly will prevent coronary heart disease.

  • The presence of fiber in Fig(Anjeer) helps to mop up and usher out cancer-causing substances from the body.

  • To reduce sexual weakness soak 2 to 3 Fig(Anjeer) in milk overnight and eat them in the morning.


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