Mumps and other Viral Diseases in Children: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies & Cure, Home remedies for Mumps and other Viral Diseases in Children, Mumps and other Viral Diseases in Children in kids

Mumps and other Viral Diseases in Children: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies & Cure, Home remedies for Mumps and other Viral Diseases in Children, Mumps and other Viral Diseases in Children in kids

Ayurvedic Medicine for Children>> Mumps and other Viral Diseases in Children

Symptoms of mumps and other viral diseases in children

  • Mumps mainly occurs at age of school-going children.

  • Swelling over mandible, high-grade fever, anorexia, vomiting and running nose, sore throat, difficulty in swallowing.

  • In measles symptoms are whole red body rash, runny nose, eyes inflammations, and fever.

  • In chickenpox symptoms are the same as measles but body rashes are high in numbers and size, which includes pustules, and high-grade fever.

  • Home remedies for mumps and other viral diseases in children

  • In mumps, black caraway seed (Centratherum Anthelminticum) with water is applied at the swelling region, it reduces pain and internal swelling.

  • A pinch of Black caraway seed powder with honey internally also helps to reduce viral infection.

  • Medicated water with Dhaniya, jeera, and ginger powder is useful for detoxifying the body.

  • In a viral infection, Triphala/amla powder as detoxification and as mild laxatives can be used in children.

  • Give plenty of water is advisable in all types of viral diseases, so usage of water as a drink, lentil soup, and other beverages, which attract children.

  • Make a decoction with basil, mint leaves, jaggery, and rock salt with lime juice is also useful for sore throat and headache.

  • Lentil soup of green gram, chickpea, and soybean is advisable in viral diseases.

  • Ginger, garlic, and Elaichi are used for daily food preparations to reduce viral infections in the body.

  • Black soil with rock salt apply on swelling over the inflammations in mumps is beneficial.

  • Use neem decoction to wash rashes in chickenpox, measles, and other viral skin disorders.

  • Neem powder also useful for dusting over pustules or rashes.

  • Panchvalkal Kwath (decoction) is useful for bath and also in mouth ulcers or inflammation due to viral infections.

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