Dengue: Symptoms, Causes, Home remedies for Dengue, dengue mosquito

Dengue: Symptoms, Causes, Home remedies for Dengue, dengue mosquito

Home Remedies>> Dengue

Written and Reviewed By :
Dr. Riddhi P. Sardhara.

What is Dengue?

Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes.

Symptoms of Dengue

  • Severe joint and muscle pain.

  • Swollen lymph nodes.

  • Headache, fever, exhaustion, and rash.

  • The presence of fever, rash, and headache (the "dengue triad") is characteristic of dengue fever.

  • Severe Complications

  • Bleeding from various parts of the body.

  • Brain hemorrhage, and meningitis.

  • Abortion/ miscarriage in pregnant mothers.

  • Altered consciousness.

  • Food and Regimen During Dengue

  • Avoid solid foods, take food that light on the stomach, and nutritious.

  • Avoid taking bakery and dairy products.

  • Sugarcane and coconut water are advisable.

  • Take water contains high in diet, so the body doesn't feel dehydrated, and fight against the virus.

  • Home Remedies For Dengue

  • Crush the leaves of coriander (Dhaniya) and take it in the form of a tonic to reduce the dengue fever.

  • Boil the Basil (tulsi) leaves in warm tea and drink it.

  • Fenugreek (methi) leaves can be boiled and taken in the form of tea.

  • Take 10 basil (tulsi) leaves, one black pepper, and grind it into a paste. Make them into small pills and swallow them with water.

  • Chop fresh onion into pieces and put them in a bowl. Pour sufficient vinegar (Sirka) to cover the onion pieces. Consume it at the time of lunch or dinner.

  • Squeeze juice from Neem leaves and consume 15 to 60 grams about 2 to 3 times a day.

  • Take the juice of Guduchi branch 10-20 ml two times a day.

  • Consume Turmeric (Haldi) with meals.

  • Take two pieces of raw Papaya (Papita) leaves and clean them. Pound and squeeze out the juice, filter it, and consume two tablespoonfuls per day.

  • Food preparations made in the sesame oil helps to absorption, reduces free radicals, and increases the platelet count too.

  • Juices of Amla, pomegranate, kiwi fruit, dragon fruit, and lemon are beneficial to recover from fever and weakness.

  • Ginger tea with jaggery is also beneficial. (take a piece of ginger, mash/grate it, add to the hot water for a while, add lemon juice, salt, and a piece of jaggery, mix it well, and consume twice a day is beneficial.
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