Putiha Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Mint

Putiha Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Mint


Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants>> Putiha

Health Benefits of Putiha (Mint)

  • Putiha is cited in the treatment of various ailments, including digestion-related issues such as poor appetite, cough, inflammation, bloating, anorexia, indigestion, and belching. It is also used for pain, colds, cancer, diabetes, and many other conditions.

  • It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, DNA damage protecting activity, antioxidant, cytotoxic, antiviral, anticancer, antiemetic, antibacterial, antiallergic, antiparasitic, sedative, hepatoprotective, antispasmodic, anti-mutagenic, cardiovascular effects, anti-tumor, and many more.

  • It has eriocitrin, rosmarinic acid, luteolin, rutinoside, hesperidin, pebrellin, gardenin, apigenin, rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, eugenol and many other phytochemicals.

  • Cough and cold: Using mint tea and other formulations is beneficial in treating excessive coughing, nasal blockage, and other health-related issues.

  • Asthma: Mint leaves and stems contain numerous phytochemicals that help reduce inflammation and asthma attacks.

  • Anorexia and indigestion: It contains many pungent compounds that enhance digestive fire, aiding food digestion and boosting appetite.

  • Indigestion: In case of dyspepsia and indigestion, putiha is also helpful for proper digestion and maintaining stomach acid balance.

  • Emesis: Mint leaves are beneficial for acute vomiting and anorexia when used for their aroma and in food, particularly during pregnancy.

  • Worms: In children, it aids in eliminating worms and other microbial growth in the intestine.

  • Putiha Medicinal Plants Details and their Uses

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