Health Benefits of Panasa (Jackfruit)
In Ayurveda, Panasa is mentioned for the treatment of various conditions such as emaciation, revitalization, aphrodisiac purposes, diabetes, diarrhea, dermatitis, malarial fever, asthma, tapeworm infections, anemia, as well as for boosting stamina, food preparation, and more.
It has anti-syphilitic, vermifuge, aphrodisiac, bulk promoting, wound healing, and many more properties.
It has artocarpesin, norartocarpetin, carbohydrates beta carotene, sapogenins, cycloartenol, cycloartenol, beta-sitosterol, flavonoids, sucrose, and many other phytochemicals.
Malaria fever: The leaves and bark of Panasa are effective in treating malaria and other types of fever.
Stamina booster: It contains numerous minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for the body's energy and strength.
Diabetes: In diabetes insipidus, the bark and leaves are used to reduce excessive urination.
Wounds: A paste made from Panasa leaves and bark is effective for promoting faster healing of wounds and cuts.
Worms: Jackfruit roots and seeds are useful in managing worm infestations in children.
Aphrodisiac: Panasa fruit and pulp are primarily used as natural aphrodisiacs.
Anemia: The ripe fruit is traditionally used in food preparation to address anemia and related conditions.
Dermatitis: Bark decoctions help to relieve dermatitis and other allergic itching.
Fungal infections: It is effective in treating fungal infections and also helps prevent them from recurring.