Padmaka Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Wild Himalayan Cherry

Padmaka Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Wild Himalayan Cherry

Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants>> Padmaka

Health Benefits of Padmaka (Wild Himalayan Cherry)

  • Padmaka is mentioned in Ayurveda literature for the treatment of diseases like gynaecological disease, diarrhea, skin problems, infections, wounds, kidney stones, burning sensations, bleeding disorders, and many more.

  • It has antimicrobial, antioxidant, diuretic, benign prostate hyperplasia protective, cytotoxic, and many more properties.

  • It has sugar, flavonoids, phenols, organic acids like caffeic acids, tannins, and many other phytochemicals.

  • Wounds and cuts: It is highly effective for healing wounds and cuts due to its significant content of tannin and caffeic acids.

  • Diarrhea: Padmaka is most effective for stopping chronic diarrhea due to its astringent properties.

  • Skin problems: It has traditionally been used to treat skin conditions such as pruritus, discolouration, skin ageing, and more.

  • Burning sensations: Both internal and external applications are effective in relieving burning sensations throughout the body.

  • Urinary issues: Wild Himalayan Cherry is helpful in treating urinary issues such as infections and burning micturition.

  • BPH: In benign prostate hyperplasia, this plant results in relief from symptoms.

  • Gynaecological problems: It is also beneficial for gynaecological issues such as white discharge and fungal infections.

  • Bleeding disorders: Both external and internal use of Wild Himalayan Cherry is effective for treating bleeding disorders.

  • Padmaka Medicinal Plants Details and their Uses

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