Health Benefits of Laksha (Lac)
Laksha is mentioned in treating diseases like fractures, headaches, pain, bleeding disorders, osteoporosis, infections, and many more.
It has resin, dye, wax, albuminous matter, mineral matter, water, and many more.
It has analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, bone-strengthening, fracture-healing, adaptogenic, and many other properties.
Fracture: It is used for the treatment of fracture healing and also reduces associated pain.
Pain and inflammation: The plant is beneficial for relieving pain and reducing inflammation.
Bleeding disorders: Hemostatic properties of lac are beneficial for bleeding disorders.
Osteoporosis: Lak helps in osteoporosis as well when bone density decreases in the major bones and small bones.
Infections: In addition to fighting infection, the herb also heals wounds due to its anti-microbial and anti-sepsis properties.
Adaptogenic: Laksha formulations are used for the Rasayana therapy (for adaptogenic activity).
Arthritic pain: It is best used for arthritis and joint inflammations.
Rheumatic: It can be applied externally in oil form to relieve rheumatic pain and inflammation.
Stress: The external application of Lac in panchakarma therapies is also beneficial for stress and anxiety.