Kaidarya Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Curry Leaf

Kaidarya Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Curry Leaf


Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants>> Kaidarya

Health Benefits of Kaidarya (Curry Leaf)

  • Kaidarya is mentioned in the treatment of diseases like indigestion, pain, inflammation, anorexia, vomiting, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc.

  • It has flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, carotenoids, and many more.

  • It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-hemorrhoidal, antitumor, carminative, and many other properties.

  • Inflammation: Leaves-infused oil has both internal and external benefits for inflammation and pain relief.

  • Bone health: Kaidarya is beneficial for improving bone health.

  • Skin and hair Rejuvenation: It boosts the skin's elasticity and rejuvenates the skin, as well as improving the luster and strength of the hair.

  • Fever and burning sensation: Curry leaf juice and formulation have a cooling effect, which helps reduce body temperature and also reduces burning sensations over the eyes.

  • Indigestion and anorexia: Kaidarya is highly helpful for treating nausea and indigestion.

  • Wound and cut healing: Wounds and cuts can be effectively treated by externally applying oil and leaves.

  • Joint pain and muscular pain: Curry leaves reduce pain and inflammation in the joints, particularly in the knees.

  • Headache: Especially in the summer, the paste made from leaves benefits from headaches and helps induce sleep.

  • Kaidarya Medicinal Plants Details and their Uses

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