Health benefits of Hingu (Asafoetida)
Hingu is mentioned in Ayurveda for digestion-related problems, flatulence, teeth problems, pain, anorexia, and many more.
The Hingu plant has luteolin, assafoetidin, ferocolicin, phellandrene, asaresinotannol, fernesiferol, mogoltadone, and many more.
It has digestive, analgesic, insecticidal, vermifuge, and many other properties.
Worms: It is effective for getting rid of worms.
Stomachic: It is quite helpful for issues with digestion, such as flatulence and stomach pain.
Appetizer: Hingu enhances intestinal motility, which benefits digestion and, in turn, enhances hunger.
Pain and inflammation: Asafoetida has anti-inflammatory and pain properties when used both internally and externally.
Toothache: A pinch of Asafoetida powder, can be used to treat dental caries, toothaches and similar ailments.
Constipation: Hingu formulas are also helpful in treating belching and constipation.
Bronchitis and COPD: For patients with COPD and asthma, it is the best expectorant and mucolytic.
Headache: Hingu is the most effective remedy for headaches brought on by constipation or indigestion.
Infective diseases: Treatment for infectious disorders can also benefit from it.
Earache: Applying asafoetida-processed oil externally helps relieve ear pain.