Health Benefits of Gojihva (Elephantopus scaber)
Gojihva is mentioned in Ayurveda for bio-purification, liver disease, skin disorders, wound healing, rheumatism, kidney, and eye disease problems.
The Gojihva plant has sodium, potassium, calcium, glucosamine, pyrazole, beta-sitosterol, beta-amyrin, lupeol, and many more compounds.
It has hepatoprotective, antiulcer, cytotoxic, detoxification, and many other properties.
Cough and respiratory problems: Its decoction aids in the treatment of respiratory conditions such as asthma, COPD, cough, and common cold.
Diarrhea and dysentery: It helps treat dysentery and diarrhea because of its grahi (absorbent) and anti-microbial qualities.
Urinary infection: Gojihva aids in the defence against infections of the urinary tract.
Eye diseases: The entire plant can be used both medicinally and as an eye tonic.
Wounds and cuts: It is good for cuts and wounds since it has antibacterial, wound-healing, and anti-inflammatory qualities.
Fever: Its decoction is helpful in chronic and intermittent fever.
Gonorrhea and syphilis: For gonorrhea and syphilis-like conditions, both internal and exterior applications are helpful.
Diabetes: Its compositions are excellent for treating both furuncles and diabetes.
Alopecia and baldness: The leaves of the Gojihva plant are used to scrape the skin before applying the medicine or lepa.