Dugdhika Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Garden Spurge

Dugdhika Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Garden Spurge


Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants>> Dugdhika

Health Benefits of Dugdhika (Euphorbia Hirta)

  • In Ayurveda, dugdhika is used for treating skin diseases, eye diseases, poisoning, liver diseases, and respiratory disorders.

  • Dugdhika plant has alkanes, polyphenols, oleanane, cycloartane, ursane, and many more compounds.

  • It has Flavonoids, steroids, afzelin, quercitrin, myricitrin, rutin, terpenoids, coumarins, tannins, polyphenols, gallic acid, and many other properties.

  • Eye disorders: It works best when treating eye conditions, particularly those caused by infections.

  • Skin diseases: It is the best for the skin because of its bitter and detoxifying properties, which help to rejuvenate skin.

  • Respiratory problems: The entire plant has expectorant and mucolytic properties, as well as being helpful for respiratory distress.

  • Rejuvenating for cancer: Garden Spurge's antioxidants and free radical-scavenging properties make it helpful for rejuvenation both during and after cancer.

  • Healing: Because it encourages healthy skin proliferation, it is also helpful for wound and cut healing.

  • Breastfeeding: It purifies and enhances the quality of the nursing experience for the new mother.

  • Bee-bite and poisoning: Digdhika helps treat poisoning internally and topically by reducing swelling and irritation caused by bee bites.

  • With its ability to boost metabolism and detoxify the liver, this medicinal plant is great for the spleen and liver.

  • Dugdhika Medicinal Plants Details and their Uses

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