Dhava Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Button Tree

Dhava Medicinal Plant, Regional Names, Family, Synonyms, Health Benefits of Button Tree


Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants>> Dhava

Health Benefits of Dhava (Anogeissus Latifolia)

  • Dhava is mentioned in Ayurveda for skin diseases, liver complaints, fever, wounds, diabetes, hemorrhoids, anemia, UTI infections, infections, pain, and digestive diseases.

  • The plant has gallic acid, ellagic acid, tannin, myricetin, resins, and many more compounds.

  • It has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiulcer, astringent, depurative, haemostatic, stomachic, thermogenic, and many other properties.

  • Jwara: It is helpful in treating fever, particularly in cases of anorexia and abdominal discomfort.

  • Abscess and cellulitis: Button tree is helpful in treating abscesses and suppress the production of pus.

  • Diabetes: The plant's decoction helps to keep blood sugar levels stable.

  • Bleeding piles: It is beneficial in treating bleeding stoppage.

  • UTI infection: The herb is beneficial for urinary tract infections.

  • Indigestion: Both the digestive fire and metabolism are enhanced by it.

  • Liver cirrhosis and hepatitis: Dhava plant is used for the management of liver cirrhosis and hepatitis.

  • Stomachache: It is best for stomach and abdominal spasmodic pain.

  • Rigor and hypothermia: The body temperature can be raised with the help of Dhava formulation.

  • Cholesterol: The medicinal plant is useful to treat high cholesterol levels in the blood.

  • Dhava Medicinal Plants Details and their Uses

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