Health Benefits of Devadaru (Cedrus Deodara)
Danti plant is mentioned in Ayurveda for constipation, swelling, skin disorders, burning sensation, jaundice, piles, calculus, scabies, and suppurative ulcers-like diseases.
The plant has terpenoids, flavonoids, lignans, sterols, essential oils, and many more compounds.
In addition to its febrifuge properties, it is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-microbial, and has many other beneficial properties as well.
Epilepsy: In addition to reducing epileptic attacks, it can also treat the underlying causes.
Insomnia and stress: Cedrus deodara is beneficial for the treatment of stress and insomnia.
Neurological disorders: The medicinal plant can be used to treat conditions such as neuropathy and pain related to the nervous system.
Skin diseases: It is used to treat skin diseases especially scabies, eczema, and itching.
Mastitis and breast pain: The herb treats breast pain and mastitis before or during menstruation and hormonal imbalance.
Fever: Himalayan Cedar has antipyretic and diaphoretic properties, it is beneficial in treating fever, especially chronic and mild fevers.
Pain and inflammation: It treats chronic inflammation and pain.
Joint stiffness and pain: By pacifying the vata element, it is beneficial for treating joint and bone problems.
Anti-hyperglycemia: The Himalayan Cedar reduces hyper-glucose levels in the blood serum to help treat hyperglycemia.