Medicinal Plants Pomegranates,Pomegranates medicinal plants and their uses,Pomegranates medicinal plants and its uses,Benefits of Pomegranates,Pomegranates plants,Pomegranates recipes,Recipes with Pomegranates

Medicinal Plants Pomegranates,Pomegranates medicinal plants and their uses,Pomegranates medicinal plants and its uses,Benefits of Pomegranates,Pomegranates plants,Pomegranates recipes,Recipes with Pomegranates

Medicnal Plants >> Pomegranate(Anar)

Family : Punicaceae

English Name : Pomegranate

Tibetan Name : Se-du

Hindi Name : Anar, Darin

Part used : Seeds and cortex

Taste : Sour to Sweet

Quality : Warm and Oily

Uses of Pomegranate(Anar) :

  • Treats loss of digestive heat.
  • Treats loss of appetite.
  • Helps to treat cold disorders.
  • Raddish-purple juice from its fruit can be served as a health beverage.

  • Habitat :

    It is a large deciduous shrub to small tree, which could grow from 2-10m high in warm hills and valleys, at an elevation of 700-2700m. The fruits are rounded with a tough, leathery rind and the inside separated by membranous walls containing numerous red seeds.

    Method of processing :

    The fruits are collected upon maturity and the internal part of the fruits including the seeds and fleshy part are all gathered and dried properly in a clean suitable place.


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