Kapikachhu medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms

Kapikachhu medicinal plant, regional names, family and synonyms


Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Kapikachhu

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Atmagupta, rushyaprokta, kandura, markati, sukashimbi, rushabhi, guptaphala, vyanga, pravrushayani, duhsparsha

Regional Name

Bengali : aalkushi
Gujarati : kavach, kauncha
Hindi : kevanch, kaunch
Kannada : nasugunni
Tamil : punaik kali
Telugu : pillo adugu
English : cowhage

Botanical Name

Mucuna pruriens



Classification (Gana)

Aacharya charaka : balya, purishaviranjaniya mahakashaya, and madhura skandha.

Aacharya sushruta : vidarigandhadi, vatasamsamana

Aacharya vagbhatta : durvadi, vidaryadi gana

External Morphology

Annual herbaceous twinner

Useful Parts

Seed, root, pod

Important Phytoconstituent

L-dopa, mucunine, prurienine, Stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic acid

Rasa Panchak

Rasa : Tikta, madhura
Guna : guru, snigdha
Virya : ushna
Vipaka : madhura



Therapeutic Indication

Balya (stamina booster), sukrala(aphrodisiac), brumhana (bulk promoting), vatvyadhihara (useful in disorders of vata humor)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Sandhivata - decoction of seed is beneficial in pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis.
2. Vajikara - kapikachhu seed boiled in milk is beneficial as an aphrodisiac.
3. Krimi - pod hair powder with navanita or guda is beneficial in worms.


Seed Powder - 3-5 gm, decoction - 40-80 ml, pod hair powder - 125 mg


Vanari vati, kaunchapaka, mashabaladi taila

Adverse Effect

Causes irritation and itching over the skin if taken with bare hand. Taken with proper hand gloves and care.

Remedial Measure

Symptomatic treatment


Not required


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