Babbula medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms

Babbula medicinal plant, regional names, family, synonyms

Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants >> Babbula

Basonym of Drug


Main Synonym

Kinkirata, sapitaka, abha, shatpadmodini

Regional Name

Bengali : babla
Gujarati : baval
Hindi : baboola, kikkira
Kannada : poolai
Tamil : karu belarama
Telugu : nallatuma

Botanical Name

Acacia arabica



Classification (Gana)

Bhavprakash nighantu mentioned in vatadi varga

In kaiyadeva nighantu include babbula in aushadhi varga

External Morphology

15-20 feet medium tree

Useful Parts

Bark, fruit, and resin

Important Phytoconstituent

In resin, it contains Arabic acid, tannins

Rasa Panchak

Apakva phala:

Rasa : kashaya
Guna : guru, Ruksha
Virya : shita
Vipaka : Katu


Kapha shamak

Therapeutic Indication

Grahi (stops oversecretions), kaphahara (reduces diseases of Kapha humor), kasahara(for cough),nadivranapaha (for abscess, and sinus tract)

Therapeutic Uses

1. Atisara - a paste of babbula leaves is given to the patient with diarrhea.
2. Kasa - fruit powder with honey is beneficial for excessive cough.
3. Snayuk krimi - babbula seed paste is beneficial for the worms in the muscles/ tissues.


Fruit powder - 3 to 6 gm, resin - 3 to 6 gm


Babbularista, lavnagadi vati

Adverse Effect

Not Known

Remedial Measure

Not required


Not required


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